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Ian's SGI Depot: FOR SALE! SGI Systems, Parts, Spares and Upgrades

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Indigo2 IMPACT : A Revolution in AEC

High-Fidelity 3D Imaging

[Bringing VR and real-time walkthroughs to the Desktop] Project Integration Challenges

The architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry requires a range of computerized design systems for efficient project execution. Applications including mechanical, piping, and electrical layout need sophisticated graphics capabilities, and, for large facilities such as refineries or power plants, the ability to visualize extremely large datasets. In addition, hazardous waste imaging requires the ability to process and present large underground 3D volumes.

[IMPACT brings detail to life] Supercomputers, with the processing power to simultaneously automate and display all the functions of an entire project, are expensive and inconvenient. Muscle-bound PCs still lack the processing power to handle the job. In lieu of supercomputers or PCs, software providers and AEC companies segment jobs and use workstations to automate single disciplines or tasks. While many pieces are highly automated, most projects are split across a variety of systems. These scattered islands of automation result in expensive design rework that can run as high as 30 percent of design cost for large projects.

Power on a Desktop

The Indigo2 IMPACT workstation from Silicon Graphics visually integrates diverse project disciplines. With balanced, high-performance computation and graphics, Indigo2 IMPACT executes - on the desktop - all of the applications needed throughout a project life cycle. Indigo2 IMPACT, together with the industry's leading software packages, automates the concurrent development of a facility from original concept to design and construction to ongoing operations and maintenance. It is the first desktop system with the power and capacity to model and perform real-time walk-throughs of an entire plant. Indigo2 IMPACT helps AEC project teams shorten project schedules and realize significant cost savings through control, integration, and display of the plant design process.

Seeing the Whole Picture as It Evolves

Indigo2 IMPACT displays images in high fidelity. This accurate reproduction of imagery utilizes advanced features such as texture mapping, shadow casting, reflections, and multiple light sourcing. Users can see and interact with 3D models in real time. Indigo2 IMPACT integrates piping, structural, civil, mechanical, and electrical 3D models to help users visualize and check a developing structure. Design problems can be fixed in the office instead of at the job site, where costs escalate rapidly.

Indigo2 IMPACT provides the computing power to manage 3D models involving large datasets. Indigo2 IMPACT supports application software such as CADCentre's REVIEW REALITY, which allows real-time, high-fidelity walk-throughs throughout the design process. Using REVIEW REALITY, engineers can take a virtual reality tour of a plant and experiment with equipment placement, construction sequencing, or operation and maintenance.

[IMPACT: the ultimate AEC solution] Enterprise-Wide Data Integration

Indigo2 IMPACT, combined with partner applications, speeds up project life cycles. Plant decisions, vendor information, and "what-if" studies can be processed in parallel. Each phase of a project can be reviewed and approved on line by the participants and the client.

Sophisticated software interrealtes project tasks. These applications, running on Indigo2 IMPACT, provide an intuitive graphical method for relating and organising the magnitude of data associated with 3D objects.

Indigo2 IMPACT, with partner software, can also integrate data from legacy systems. Data from those systems can be used as input to strategic new applications. This leverages your existing legacy data by integrating it across your entire organization. The end result is seamless data exchange for the entire project, which reduces cost and improves quality.

Project Team Collaboration

Indigo2 IMPACT includes a wide variety of communication facilities - audio, video, text, media mail, video conferencing, and multimedia presentations - that help a project team work together. Participants can share ideas, sketches, drawings, photographs, or scheduling information with other team members, even if they are geographically separated.

A Competitive Edge for Sales and Proposal Presentations

Indigo2 IMPACT, with 3D modeling and presentation software, lets designers and engineers quickly and easily develop professional presentations for the sales department. With these modeling tools, the supplier can create and customize plant and facility models for demonstrations to potential clients. The client can now take a virtual reality tour of the plant to better understand the facility layout.

Benefits You Can See

Indigo2 IMPACT, together with leading AEC applications, provides important benefits for everyone involved in a project's life cycle:

With its high-performance 3D imaging and processing power, Indigo2 IMPACT provides real-time visualization on the desktop - a revolution in the AEC industry.

Typed up by Ian Mapleson (mapleson@gamers.org)
Original Document Code: I2-Imp-AEC-IB (6/95)
Last Change: 27/Sep/2004

Ian's SGI Depot: FOR SALE! SGI Systems, Parts, Spares and Upgrades

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