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Ian's SGI Depot: FOR SALE! SGI Systems, Parts, Spares and Upgrades

(check my current auctions!)

[SGI Advice and Technical Data]
[WhatsNew] [P.I.] [Indigo] [Indy] [O2] [Indigo2] [Crimson] [Challenge] [Onyx] [Octane] [Origin] [Onyx2]

Welcome to my SGI technical resources centre! Please choose from the menu below.
Feel free to email me with comments, corrections, suggestions for additions, etc.

What's New? | SGI Fast Links

Architecture and Technology Focus

System/Graphics/CPU Comparisons and Upgrade/Buying Advice

Application/Product Briefs and Data Sheets

News | Technical Reports | Articles | Depot Resources

System Administration Help

SGI-related WWW Sites and other Information Sources

Home Pages of Older Systems on SGI's WWW Site

PC Benchmarks, Advice and Information

Graphics Functions Descriptions and Miscellaneous

(site design and content by Ian Mapleson BSc, mapesdhs@yahoo.com)

Useful Fast Links (money, auctions, forums, etc.):

Finance: Currency Rates | Currency Converter
Ebay UK: SGI | Silicon Graphics | EISA | SCSI | 72pin
Ebay US: SGI | Silicon Graphics | EISA | SCSI disk | 72pin
Forums: Nekochan | CSS-Marketplace | CSS-Hardware | CSS-Misc | CSS-Graphics | CSS-Apps | CSS-Announce | UKAC
Benchmarks: C-Ray | Blender Main Site | Blender SGI Results | Zoorender
SCSI/FC Refs: SCSI Planet | SCSI? | FC? | RAID? | SAN? | SCSI Specs | RAID Specs | Glossary | HVD/LVD Info | SCAN/68 | SCAN/80 | Toshiba Jumpers | Revisions
Disk Refs: Seagate/Maxtor Warranty | Maxtor 10K III Labels | Fujitsu Warranty Info | Hitachi Warranty | Fujitsu Specs | Hitachi Specs | Hitachi Product Summaries
DAT Refs: Archive/Python | SDT-11000
Tech Refs: Monitor/Kybd/Mouse Pinouts

Architecture and Technology Focus:

System/Graphics/CPU Comparisons and Upgrade/Buying Advice:

Application/Product Briefs and Data Sheets:


Technical Reports:


System Administration Help:

SGI-related WWW Sites and other Information Sources:


Systems and Hardware:

Operating Systems and Software:


Links for Older/Remarketed Systems on SGI's Web Site:

PC Benchmarks, Advice and Information:

Graphics Functions Descriptions and Miscellaneous:
SGI Advice and Technical Data is written and created by Ian Mapleson. Please read my site construction policy.

Ian's SGI Depot: FOR SALE! SGI Systems, Parts, Spares and Upgrades

(check my current auctions!)

[WhatsNew] [P.I.] [Indigo] [Indy] [O2] [Indigo2] [Crimson] [Challenge] [Onyx] [Octane] [Origin] [Onyx2]
[Future Technology Research Index] [SGI Tech Advice Index] [Nintendo64 Tech Info Index]

'SGI Advice and Technical Data' is not an official SGI web site. SGI will not accept responsibility for any adverse events resulting from
the use or misuse of information contained herein. Please check warranty issues before modifying your hardware or software.

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