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Challenge/Onyx Miscellaneous Hints and Tips

Last Change: 24/Oct/2006

All of the information given here can be found somewhere in the plethora of documentation available for Challenge/Onyx systems. However, I decided to collate some useful tips covering issues and problems which users, especially hobbyists, are most likely to come across. I will add more items to this page over time, and the format will change aswell.

ONYX PROBLEM: Cannot open Keyboard/Console error

If you see this error, yet are sure the keyboard and connecting cable are ok (eg. they check out fine on another system such as an IRIS Indigo), then the most likely cause is a blown fuse on the IO control panel, which can be found at the front of the system underneath the graphics panel. Remove the folding door, then the gfx panel and finally the IO panel (this consists merely of removing various screws and unplugging a couple of cables - it is easy to do). The fuses are small cylinders, with a black base and a transparent lid, rated 125V 2A. I don't know if they are of a standard type, but it should be easy to manually wire into the fuse receptacle a suitable short replacement length of fuse wire. Most likely it will be the fuse on the lower board which has died.

So why does the fuse blow? The most common cause is when an Ethernet cable is connected to the system while the system is already powered on. Do NOT do this! The diags manual says doing so can result in a power surge that can blow a fuse on the IO panel, or on the IO4, or both, thus giving the error about not being able to connect to a keyboard.

If you want to connect an Ethernet cable and/or transceiver, always do so before the system is powered on.

Ian's SGI Depot: FOR SALE! SGI Systems, Parts, Spares and Upgrades

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