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IMPACT Digital Media 2.1 Details

The downloadable file impact_dmedia_2.1.tar.gz is a complete tar archive of an original IMPACT Digital Media 2.1 CD. As such, it contains much more than just the base drivers. Also included are releases notes, online books, and the corresponding IMPACT 10000 version of the IRIS Digital Media Execution and Development Environments; the 2.0 archive for non-10000 systems does not include these latter two items, which is why the 2.1 archive is so much larger.

The RELEASE file from the CD lists the following contents (product sizes shown in Kbytes):

Size (KB)   Product Name     Title

   276      impactvid_dev    Developer Software for IMPACT Video, 6.2
  2004      impactcomp       IMPACT Compression Execution Environment 6.2
   456      impactcomp_dev   IMPACT Compression development software, 6.2
    44      impactdm         IMPACT Digital Media Common Execution Environment, 6.2
  2804      impactI2V        IMPACT Indigo2 Video Execution Environ, 6.2
  4280      impactvideo      IMPACT Video Execution Environment, 6.2
 29256      dmedia_dev       IRIS Digital Media Development Environment, 6.2
 79048      dmedia_eoe       IRIS Digital Media Execution Environment, 6.2 with IMPACT 10000

The most useful aspect of this archive is that it provides support for IMPACT Compression on R10000 Indigo2 systems running IRIX 6.2 with IMPACT 10000. The Video Treiber site never had this available for download due to its size, so here it is now for the first time. My thanks to Cesar Blecua for providing me with the CD.

In the near future I'll include a copy of the main release notes information from the CD in HTML format on this page.

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