Advanced Visualization Laboratory, University of Maryland
Kansai Advanced Research Center, Kobe, Japan.
Center for Advanced Computing Research, California Institute of Technology, CA, USA.
National Institute of Standards and Technology's Advanced Technology Program
Visualization and Presentation Laboratory, University of Maryland.
Center for Advanced Computing Research, California Institute of Technology.
Brotech Links to High-Tech Web Sites
IBM's Almaden Science and Technology Research Center
Future Tech Today, by Steve Julien
CPU Information Centre (CIC) at Berkeley:
Chip Shots at Florida State University (CPU die images) (part of FSU's "Molecular Expressions" page)
International Solid-State
Circuits Conference
(ISSCC98 Advance
Program Table of Contents)
(ISSCC 97 Preview | Advance Program Contents)
EE Times' Smart Technologies News
Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation:
STREAM Sustainable Memory Bandwidth in High Performance Computers
IDEAS International Benchmark Gateway
comp.benchmarks FAQ in HTML format
Microprocessor Report discusses the Alpha 21264
Virtual Reality Monitoring: How Real is Virtual Reality?
Atlantis Virtual Reality Entertainment (good list of worldwide VR centres and VR systems)
Computer Effects in Movies and Television
Virtual Reality Systems (CAVE, Immersa Desk and Infinity Wall)
EE Times article on HP's PixelFlow system
The Optoelectronics Technology Center, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA.
American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Communication and Internet Law Page
Department of Justice, Antitrust Division
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Atomic Web Clock
Cryptography, the Clipper Chip, and the Constitution
TRINITY: 50 YEARS LATER. The Nuclear Age's Blinding Dawn
Global surveillance by the NSA, and 'Domestic Repression' by the FBI
Quantum Information and Quantum Computation at IBM
Quantum Teleportation research at IBM
Laboratory for Theoretical and Quantum Computing at Universite de Montreal:
Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop 1997, Kyoto, Japan (part of the 1997 VLSI Symposium)
NanoThinc (Nanotechnology News)
Nanocomputer Dream Team Project
eNTiTy - Nanotechnology Think Tank
U.S./Russian collaborate on new 'nanopowders' (Los Alamos PR)
Sean Morgan's Nanotechnology Pages
3G's NanoLinks page (just a few links)
The Buckyball Database (telnet-based system) (help guide)
Buckyballs Nab Nobel (University of Maine)
Kim Allen's Buckyball Web Page [LINKS]
A New Chemistry For Carbon (a report at the Whitehouse)
Buckyball, Diamond, and Graphite (extensive info)
What is a Buckyball? (by Shaun Ellis)
Why the Buckyball? (very nice C60 art)
Buckminsterfullerene (a page from the State University of New York's "Introductory Organic Chemistry II" course)
The Buckyball: An Excruciatingly Researched Report and The birth of the Geodesic Dome - how Bucky did it
The Geometry of the Buckyball, by Kim Allen
Fullerene Science Module, Department of Chemistry, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA.
What you need to know from freshman chemistry.
University of Sussex, Fullerene Group Homepage.
Transport and Dielectric Properties of Thin Fullerene (C60) Films, by Boris Pevzner (MIT)
Dimerized Buckminster-fullerene, at ASU's Department of Physics and Astronomy (C60 research by Robert Marzke)
On the vibrational assignment of fullerene C60 (DVI format), by Dr.Gianni Cardini [LINKS]
Production and Characterization of Carbon-like Clusters, by Takamuki Kimura [LINKS]
Coordination Chemistry of Buckminsterfullerene, by Serge Schreiner at Randolph-Macon College
Cluster Science Collaboration, Michigan State University, MI, USA.
C60 research at UniChem, Oxford Molecular Group.
Molecular Heat Transfer & Fullerene Research, Shoji & Maruyama Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan.
Condensed Matter Physics Group, Ames Laboratory, U. S. Department of Energy, USA.
Unearthing Buckyballs, Oak Ridge Nationl Laboratory, USA.
Fullerenes in Solid State Physics
A Genetic Algorithm for structural optimization, Ames Lab.
Fullerenes At Widener University Science Division (how to make Buckyballs).
A Fullerene Structure Library, Department of Chemistry, State University of New York, USA.
The Buckyball Collection at Florida State University (part of FSU's "Molecular Expressions" page)
US Govt's CrayOrigin2000 Announcement
HPCWire article on the SGI/Cray Origin2000 at Blue Mountain
ASCI Blue Mountain at Los Alamos National Laboratory [System Status and News] [press release]
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
San Diego Supercomputer Center