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Future Technology Research
Latest New Scientist Articles
Please note that the FutureTech Reference
List includes all references older than NS Issue 2147. Wherever
possible, references are linked to original articles on NS' web site,
or to my own article summaries.
Almost every week, New
Scientist has at least one new article that is relevant to
FutureTech. I'll index such articles here as they appear, with a link
to NS' web site if they've chosen to provide an online version (if
they don't have the article online, then you can either buy the
relevant issue or head for the local library). Don't forget to
regularly check New Scientist
Plus for further reading on key subject areas.
Of course, NS will have plenty of other articles about things that
are just as interesting - the ones listed here are just those that
are, in my opinion, relevant to the focus of FutureTech.
(A.P. = the link is to my own article precis, ie. a summary of
the original article written in my own words)
03/May/2003, Issue 2393:
- (EDT) p3: 'Beware the grey goo'
- "Nanotech scare stories are blinding us to more pressing perils"
- (Martin Rees) Fp30_33: 'The final countdown'
- "Within 20 years, scientific progress is likely to trigger an incident
that kills a million people, says England's Astronomer Royal, Martin Rees.
If the human race is to survive this century, it's time to make some
difficult decisions about the future of science."
26/Apr/2003, Issue 2392:
- (FOX) p9: 'This film will self-destruct in one year'
- "Self-destructing digital recordings may be the future of music and
movie sales, with files auto-erasing or locking after perhaps just 20 plays
or a year on your shelf."
- (DGR) p12: 'Short sharp shock awaits trespassers'
- "Security experts met up in California last month to discuss plans to
roll out a non-lethal landmine that zaps intruders with 50,000 volts."
- (Jenny Hogan) p18: 'Magic numbers herald new wave of superalloys'
- "An extra bendy mixture of metals is astonishing the normally conservative world
of materials science"
- (Celeste Biever) p21: 'Laser beams get fluids flowing'
- "A microscopic pump powered by a swirling beam of light could be just the thing
to move fluids around tiny chemical labs built on silicon chips."
- (Bruce Schechter) Fp31_33: 'Bright new world'
- "A strange discovery could spark a nanotechnology revolution, bringing perfect
lenses, rapid medical tests and superfast computers. Bruce Schechter welcomes the
dawn of plasmonics."
19/Apr/2003, Issue 2391:
- (FOX) p13: "You don't need a 3G phone to get video"
- "Cellphone firms are praying video-on-the-move will be the next big thing."
- (Celeste Biever) p17: 'Bendy nanotubes do the twist with target proteins'
- "A tiny sensor that can reliably detect and identify proteins has been
developed independently by two research teams."
- (Jenny Hogan) p18: 'Tellurium crystal reveals its secret under pressure'
- "If you squeeze tellurium hard enough, it forms an atomic structure so
complex that it never repeats itself."
- (Eugenie Samuel) p20: 'First results on gravity waves'
- "LIGO, the worldwide network of gravitational wave detectors, has found nothing
on its first pass. But that's not necessarily a failure - the negative result means
that, for the first time, astronomers can put upper limits on the number of violent,
space-twisting events happening in our galactic backyard."
- (Eugenie Samuel) Fp20_21: 'Super-cold atoms mimic early Universe'
- "Could the strange collections of atoms known as Bose-Einstein condensates
mirror changes that occured in the earliest moments of the Universe?"
- (Eugenie Samuel) p21: 'Instant of success for fusion on a
- "An experiment designed to tap the energy released by a 'controlled hydrogen bomb' has achieved
fusion for the first time."
12/Apr/2003, Issue 2390:
- (JEF) p17: 'Is this the hottest thing in superconductor research?'
- "Rumours of a superconductor that works at room temperature have been
circulating for several months."
- (Nicola Jones) p19: 'Why every engineer needs a few strands
of DNA'
- "The trouble with carbon nanotubes is that they are sticky and always
clump together."
- (Gerry Byrne) p24: 'Quasar all choked up'
- "The most powerful quasar yet discovered in our cosmic neighbourhood is
confounding astronomers by spewing out huge amounts of matter at up to 10 per
cent of the speed of light."
- (Michael Rowan-Robinson) Fp36_37: 'Catching the cold cosmos'
- "NASA's fourth and final great space observatory is set for launch. Michael
Rowan-Robinson reveals what it will bring to stargazers worldwide"
- (KRT) Fp39_41: 'Fission control'
- "NASA's new-found love of nuclear power could put astronomers on Mars - but
only if we're willing to take a risk or two. Kurt Kleiner reports"
05/Apr/2003, Issue 2389:
- (Jenny Hogan) Fp14_15: 'Heavenly atlas goes online'
- "A 10-year project has mapped the skies with unprecedented clarity and will
become part of a huge virtual observatory, transforming the way astronomers work"
- (Stephen Battersby) p20: 'Middleweights join the black hole family'
- "Black holes really do come in all sizes: last week, astronomers announced
strong evidence that certain bright X-ray sources in the sky are indeed
'intermediate-mass' black holes, hundreds of times the mass of our Sun. But
their origins remain a puzzle."
- (MBR) Fp22_23: "The results are in... and now it's time to party"
- "Cosmologists celebrated their new-found status as 'proper' scientists.
But are they any closer to working out why the Universe is the way it is?"
- (Stephen Battersby) Fp31_33: 'Dark energy'
- "A mysterious energy is tearing the Universe apart - but watching stars
explode may expose the culprit. Stephen Battersby joins the hunt"
- (MBR) Fp34_35: 'The impossible puzzle'
- "How much can we ever know about the Universe? The world's most famous
living physicist has had a change of heart, as Michael Brooks reports" (my brother
and I worked all this out more than a decade ago! :D - Ian)
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02/Nov/2002, Issue 2367:
- (Ian Sample) p10: 'Holiday in orbit for the price of a car'
- "The time is ripe for developing a profitable space tourism industry,
according to advisers to the US Air Force space programme."
- (JUS) p14: 'The ultimate domino rally'
- "The computer industry is obsessed with cramming ever more processing power
onto chips. Now a molecular computer that's closer to Babbage's Difference
Engine than a PC may have taken miniaturisation to the limit"
- (MRC) p17: 'Weighty extra dimensions'
- "Many physicists are convinced that we are surrounded by extra dimensions
as big as a few tenths of a millimetre wide."
- (Eugenie Samuel) p19: 'Setting sail with the light stuff'
- "The dream of propelling spacecraft across the Solar System using 'sails'
that catch streams of photons from the Sun could become a reality, tahnks to a
new technique that allows the delicate sails to be made in space."
26/Oct/2002, Issue 2366:
- (EDT) p5: 'Signs of life?'
- "It might be deep in crisis but NASA still has big plans for the future"
- (Pat Dasch) p7: 'NASA prepares to boldly go'
- "Science, not politics, will be the new launch pad for human space
exploration. It's a grand vision, but it will need technology and funding to
become a reality"
- (DGR) p9: 'Cancer cell study deepens fears over cellphone safety'
- "The safety of cellphones has been brought into question once again by
research that suggests radio waves from the devices could promote the growth of
- (Eugenie Samuel) Fp30_33: 'Ghost in the atom'
- "I started as a routine experiment, but the outcome has cast doubt on our
ideas about atomic nuclei. Eugenie Samuel investigates the strange tale of the
19/Oct/2002, Issue 2365:
- (FOX) p20: 'Cellphones may double as a pocket video store'
- "Two years from now the world's smallest optical disc will let your
cellphone store five two-hour movies, squirrel away 25000 digital photos, or
hoard 48 hours of MP3 music."
- (Ruth Faden) p27: 'Spare parts for the rich?'
- "Everybody seems to have a view on embryo research. But stem cell
treatments raise moral dilemmas that few have even started to consider."
- (Max Glaskin) Fp38_39: 'Live and unplugged'
- "It started as a handy way to access the Internet. Now the wireless
revolution has turned into a race to relocate the Web outside the reach of big
business and government control. Max Glaskin reports"
- (JUS) Fp48_52: 'Beat the clock'
- "For computer chips to run faster and more efficiently they've got to lose
the master clock. Justin Mullins shows how"
- (KRT) Fp54_55: 'Abort, retry, fail?'
- "Great ideas and new technology don't guarantee commercial success. Has
industry just let slip its best chance of an all-in-one replacement for MP3 and
the CD, asks Kurt Kleiner"
28/Sep/2002, Issue 2362:
- (Valerie Jamieson) p14: 'Story of early Universe unfolds'
- "Faintest echoes from the big bang will reveal the truth about how we all
- (David L. Chandler) p21: 'See-thru chip creates code that's
far from transparent'
- "A plastic token the size of a postage stamp and costing just a penny to
make could be used to make cryptographic keys that are literally impossible to
- (WGR) Fp36_39: 'Stolen code'
- "To many programmers, America's laws on software patents are a disaster. So
why is Europe preparing to go down the same road? Wendy M. Grossman reports"
- (David Cohen) Fp56_57: 'Switch on to the Grid'
- "A new global network could dwarf the Web in its impact on society. For
scientists, it will make the impossible possible"
21/Sep/2002, Issue 2361:
- (EDT) p3: 'A tale of some gravity'
- "There are times when even physicists could do with a reality check"
- (MBR) p14: "Can Earth's magnetic field sway gravity?"
- "If we can prove gravity and magnetism influence each other, it may help a
'theory of everything' fall into place"
- (HZL) p22: "It's wet out there"
- "Tantalising signs of water have been found in the atmospheres of planets
orbiting distant stars. If the discovery is confirmed, it will fuel speculation
that the Galaxy is teeming with life."
- (PDV) Fp28_33: 'Seven Wonders'
- "There's alot we don't know about the way our Universe works. An awful
lot. New Scientist has been reporting on the progress of physics for 40 years,
and we still can't explain anywhere near as much as we'd like. But which
answers do we want the most? Paul Davies gets to grips with some of the biggest
questions about the Universe"
14/Sep/2002, Issue 2360:
- (KRT) p19: 'Chips with sparkle'
- "Microchips made with diamond have come a step closer after engineers
succeeded in making the material into a semiconductor."
- (JUS) Fp34_37: 'Forbidden zone'
- "A hidden area of the electromagnetic spectrum is about to be opened up,
and personal privacy will never be the same again. Are we ready for terahertz
rays, asks Justin Mullins "
07/Sep/2002, Issue 2359:
- (FOX) p7: 'Blue DVD fiasco brings back memories of Betamax vs
- "Not content with launching five different recordable DVD formats, the
video industry has decided to confuse anyone waiting for the next generation of
recording technology, too."
- (John D. Barrow) Fp30_33: 'Enigma Variations'
- "Nature's constants may be changing, but nobody knows why. John D. Barrow
thinks we could find the answer beyond the fourth dimension"
- (MBR) Fp38_42: 'Face-off'
- "Can we trust souped-up CCTV to spot a terrorist before they get on the
plane? Michael Brooks takes a hard look at face-recognition software"
24/Aug/2002, Issue 2357:
- (Stefan Maier) p17: 'light-emitting silicon's day dawns'
- "A new way of tweaking slivers of silicon could let researchers create
microchips with tiny, built-in lasers."
- (DVS) Fp38_41: 'Take a byte'
- "Watch out! Cyberparasites could be sucking the processing power from your
PC. Bennett Daviss reports"
17/Aug/2002, Issue 2356:
- (Nicola Dixon) p9: 'Prime number puzzle solved at last'
- "Three computer scientists have shocked the mathematics community by
finding a solution to the centuries-old problem of how to tell if a number is
prime. The proof is striking in its simplicity, and has mathematicians
wondering what else they may have overlooked."
10/Aug/2002, Issue 2355:
- (DGR) p10: "Hand-helds are a hacker's best friend"
- "People who bring palmtop computers into the office could be unwittingly
giving hackers easy access to their company's computer networks."
- (DGR) p14: 'Download and multiply'
- "Sharing robot minds and bodies over the Web could take AI to the next
- (J. R. Minkel) Fp29_31: 'The top-down Universe'
- "When subatomic particles are in thrall to distant galaxies you know that
someone has just rewritten all the rules. J R Minkel explores a wierd new
03/Aug/2002, Issue 2354:
- (DGR) Fp22_23: 'Robots will learn like we do'
- "Robots that can understand what 'ball' or 'red' mean will work things out
for themselves. Duncan Graham-Rowe reports on the meaning of meaning, ..."
27/Jul/2002, Issue 2353:
- (EDT) p3: 'Hubble
- "Table-top fusion has come in from the cold. But it still has a way to
- (Rachel Nowak) p13: 'Define
life. You can't? Neither can the scientists'
- "Don't even bother asking what life is. Coming up with a definition right
now is impossible, according to US researchers."
- (JEF) p17: 'Extreme
laser shedslight on nanoworld'
- "If nanotechnology ever makes the big time, we'll need a cheap and
accessible way of measuring the features of these diminutive devices.
Currently, the only way to do this is with an expensive room-sized machine
called a synchrotron, as this is the only source of coherent light at
wavelengths short enough to measure such tiny details. But a cheap table-top
alternative is on the way."
13/Jul/2002, Issue 2351:
- (EDT) p3: 'The
people vs patents'
- "The drugs industry is taking us where nobody sensible wants to go"
- (Robin Orwant/HZL) p20: 'First
sighting of the event horizon'
- "Black holes really do imprison matter and light, and sap energy from light
that narrowly escapes their grip."
06/Jul/2002, Issue 2350:
- (EDT) p3: 'Here
we go again'
- "Plans to add drug genes to food crops prove we've learned nothing"
- (DGR) p18: 'Darwin
forges fittest metals'
- ""
03/Aug/2002, Issue 2354:
- (DGR) Fp22_23: 'Robots will learnlike we do'
- "Robots will learn like we do"
27/July/2002, Issue 2353:
- (EDT) p3: 'Hubble
- "Table-top fusion has come in from the cold. But it still has a way to
- (Rachel Nowak) p13: 'Define
life. You can't? Neither can the scientists'
- "Don't even bother asking what life is. Coming up with a definition right
now is impossible, according to US researchers."
- (JEF) p17: 'Extreme
laser sheds light on nanoworld'
- "If nanotechnology ever makes the big time, we'll need a cheap and
accessible way of measuring the features of these devices."
29/Jun/2002, Issue 2349:
- (DGR) p16: 'Phone
safety debate reignites'
- "The latest evidence suggests that cellphone radiation can damage human
- (Rachel Nowak) p18: 'VR
banishes the demons'
- "A virtual reality environment that conjures up the terrifying sounds and
sights of a patient's own hallucinations has been designed to help treat people
with schizophrenia."
- (Reg Whitaker) p26: 'A
poor bargain'
- "Killing off individual freedom is not the way to combat terrorism, says
Reg Whitaker"
- (MRC) Fp31_34: 'Core
- "Just suppose the quantum world is built on more solid foundations. It
could explain a lot of weird stuff, says Marcus Chown"
- (David Cohen) Fp46_49: 'Game
- "Virtual beings that experience pain and rage? The fun's over, says David
Cohen. Gaming is now a matter of life and death."
22/Jun/2002, Issue 2348:
- (EDT) p3: "Won't
get fooled again"
- "Unlimited freedom in Cyberspace? Forget it, the party's over"
- (Eugenie Samuel and JEF) p7: 'Ultimate
- "The competition to find a planet like ours is hotting up"
- (Ian Sample) p23: 'Putting
a spin on it'
- "Magnetic microchips could herald fail-safe computing"
- (David Cohen) Fp31_33: 'On
Rebel Territory'
- "Hunkered down in an offshore gun platform that they claim is beyond the
reach of the law, a bunch of internet activists has built a profitable business
peddling online freedom. David Cohen met the rebels"
- (Steve Fuller) Fp46_47: 'The
trouble with facts'
- "An obsession with scientific evidence is leading politicians into
dangerous waters, warns Steve Fuller"
15/Jun/2002, Issue 2347:
- (EDT) p3: 'Feed
the world?'
- "GM crops won't while they're tied to the needs of the rich"
- (DEB) p7: 'Accidental
- "What if the world's first nuclear war broke out by mistake"
- (James Randerson) p13: 'All
in the name'
- "When is a genetically modified organism not a gentically modified
- (DGR) p22: 'Play
it again'
- "Imagine controlling an artificial hand through brainpower alone"
08/Jun/2002, Issue 2346:
- (EDT) p3: "Where's
the sparkle?"
- "NASA is in desparate need of the next big idea"
- (Eugenie Samuel) p16: 'The
sky at night'
- "There's a lot more out there now Hubble can see in the dark"
- (Mark Schrope) p20: 'Hot
- "Could a new technique make the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel less
- (JUS) Fp24_29: 'Quantum
- "The prize is a machine powerful enough to take on life, the
Universe and everything. Justin Mullins commentates on the race
to build a quantum computer"
01/Jun/2002, Issue 2345:
- (JR Minkel) p13: 'Fired
- "If you want nuclear fusion give your atoms a good squeeze"
- (JUS) p21: 'Saline
- "A simple idea could make quantum computers easy to build"
- (Michael Rowan-Robinson) Fp39_40: 'Resisting
the Dark Side'
- "Most astronomers think that the Universe is filled with dark energy. Maybe
not, says Michael Rowan-Robinson"
25/May/2002, Issue 2344:
- (EDT) p5: 'Keep your eyes off other people's DNA'
- "It might be a stray hair, or fleck of dandruff, or just a smudge of saliva
on a discarded piece of dental floss. We all leave behind a trail of DNA that
can readily be analysed by today's fantastically sensitive techniques. So how
do we stop people sneaking off to get it analysed?"
- (Charles Choi) p11: 'Quantum
foot in the door'
- "All around us are tiny doors that lead to the rest of the Universe."
- (JUS) p22: "Their
secret's safe"
- "At last Bob and Alice can exchange messages without worrying about
18/May/2002, Issue 2343:
- (EDT) p3: 'How many lawyers does
it take...'
- "Greed and legal wrangling could stifle the medical revolution"
- (Rachel Novak and David Concar) Fp4_5: 'Footing the bill'
- "Should we all have to pay for one company's bright idea?"
- (HOL) p23: 'Beam her up'
- "The world's tiniest engine is running on photon power"
- (JUS) Fp27_30: 'It Came From Planet
- "The International Space Station has turned into an uncontrollable monster
that threatens to devour its creator. How can NASA and its new chief tame this
cash guzzler, asks Justin Mullins"
11/May/2002, Issue 2342:
- (WHO) p23: 'And now... the
quantum virus'
- "Viruses may soon be recruited by chip makers in the quest to take
computer chips down to the nanometre scale and harness novel quantum
- (MBR) Fp29_32: 'Blinding
- "It came from the far reaches of the cosmos and could destroy everything we
thought we knew about how the Universe works. Michael Brooks fears for the
future of physics"
04/May/2002, Issue 2341:
- (EDT) p5: 'Life of Craig'
- "He was so curious about himself, he sequenced his own DNA"
- (EDT) p5: "Because it's
- (on the ethics of the robot-rat experiment - done just for its own sake?)
- (DGR) Fp6_7: 'Say hello to the
- "A quick implant, and rodents will obey our every command"
- (KRT) p18: 'Raising the Dead'
- "Calf cloned using cells from a side of beef"
- (Ian Sample) p23: 'Making waves'
- "Annoyed by cellphone-wielding commuters? Here's another reason"
- (Gerry Byrne) Fp32_36: 'Global Fix'
- "What's so wrong with GPS that Europe's spending billions on an
alternative? Plenty, says Gerry Byrne"
- (Michael Le Page) Fp44_45: 'Village-Life.Com'
- "The Web's the way to catch a fish or arrange a marriage. Michael
Le Page goes online in India"
27/Apr/2002, Issue 2340:
- (DGR) p7: "Don't bank on Web
- "If you ahev ever bought anything online or used an Internet bank, you
might have been running more of a risk than you bargained for."
- (EDT) Fp30_37: 'The Chips are
- "What lies ahead for a world riven by money?"
20/Apr/2002, Issue 2339:
- (Ian Sample) p7: 'The wierdness barrier'
- "What keeps us safe from the craziness of the quantum world?"
- (JEF) p21: 'Bend me, shake
- "Get the right ingredients and flexible screens build themselves"
- (Ian Sample) p22: 'Turbulent
- "Virtual reality allows pilots to fly by the seat of their pants"
- (Mark Schrope) p23: 'Organic optics'
- "A molecular light-sponge will speed up your Internet connections"
- (Francis Fukuyama) Fp42_45: 'Life, but not as we know it'
- "Imagine a world where biotechnology controls every aspect of human
behaviour and narrows the range of 'acceptable' emotions. The future is already
with us in the shape of drugs such as Prozac, warns Francis Fukuyama"
13/Apr/2002, Issue 2338:
- (COG) p4: 'Grave
- "Rumours of a human clone pregnancy spark health fears and horror"
- (Ian Sample) p20: 'Down the
- "Could nanotechnology scrub drug overdoses from your bloodstream?"
- (WHO) p23: 'Bubble bursts?'
- "CLAIMS that bubbles popping in a simple benchtop experiment can produce
nuclear fusion may be overinflated."
- (Robert Stevens) p52: 'Creation
- "It is now becoming apparent that the pupils of Emmanuel College,
Gateshead, are being taught biblical "young-Earth creationism"." [Reader's
06/Apr/2002, Issue 2337:
- (EDT) p5: 'Image problem'
- "How not to make the switch to digital TV"
- (MRC) Fp24_28: 'Smash and Grab'
- "A daring assault on the very bounds of mathematics could bring back
treasures we thought were forever beyond our reach. Get ready to know the
unknowable, says Marcus Chown"
30/Mar/2002, Issue 2336:
- (EDT) p5: 'Location, location,
- "Global positioning is too vital to be left in the hands of the
- (Eugene Samuels) p13: 'Drippy chips'
- "Drops of liquid that focus light could make optical chips cheaper"
- (Gordon Kane and Edward Witten) Fp29_32: 'Hunting the
- "It's the missing piece of the particle physics puzzle, and it could tell
us a great deal about the Universe we live in. Leadinh theoretical physicists
Gordon kane and Edward Witten explain why they're convinced that the Higgs
particle is just waiting to be discovered"
- (Barry Turner) Fp46_47: 'Mad, bad or dangerous to know?'
- "Defining misbehaviour as a medical problem is dangerous, says Barry
Turner. It could get young people locked up without trial"
23/Mar/2002, Issue 2335:
- (Catherine Zandonella and PMK) p24: 'Eyeball this'
- "A gentle electronic squeeze could correct imprefect vision"
16/Mar/2002, Issue 2334:
- (David Concar) Fp14_16: 'Corporate science v
the right to know'
- "Is the rise of the private sector bringing down a cloak of secrecy?"
- (FOX) Fp22_23: 'Hacking at light
- "Until now, computer security has focused on preventing hackers siphoning
off electronic data. But light beaming out of screens or LEDs on your computer
could pose just as big a threat..."
- (MRC) Fp26_30: 'Cycles of
- "Our Universe may be stuck in an endless loop of death and rebirth. It's an
old idea, says Marcus Chown, but the strange power of nothingness has given it
a new lease of life"
09/Mar/2002, Issue 2333:
- (Hazel Muir) Fp4_5: 'Bursting with
- "Will popping a few bubbles solve the world's power problems?"
- (MRC) p16: 'Keep your eyes
- "It won't be long before we can see other worlds"
- (Rachel Novak) p17: 'Masters of chaos'
- "A few of us seem to be able to predict the unpredictable"
- (Fioana Harvey) p20: 'Tomb raiders'
- "A new way of seeing museum treasures turns Egyptology inside out"
- (Ian Sample) p21: 'Look, no
- "This bizarre plastic can mend itself as often as it's broken"
- (Ivan Semeniuk) Fp27_30: 'Cat-in-the-box'
- "Are you fed up with absurd notions of quantum weirdness? Don't worry,
you're in good company, says Ivan Semeniuk"
02/Mar/2002, Issue 2332:
- (WHO) p5: 'New chip speed
- "IBM says it has broken the world record for the fastest computer chip."
- (Ian Sample) p18: "There's gold in them
there roots"
- "The tiny gold particles used to build nanomachines could be harvested from
fields of alfalfa, a crop grown for animal feed."
- (WHO) p19: 'Blue is the new
- "The next generation of recordable DVDs will be based on a single standard
system called Blu-Ray, putting an end to the confusing current mix of competing
- (Lee Smolin) Fp41_43: 'Storming the ivory
- "Understanding the origins of life, the causes of cancer, the structure of
the brain, quantum gravity... just the sort of everyday challenges that keep
scientists working late into the night. But does the way science is organised
affect the rate of progress? Does it inhibit change and stifle innovation?"
- (FOX) Fp44_45: 'Is your doctor
- "If you want your health records kept safe and confidential, then cross
your fingers and hope your doctor knows as much about computer viruses as
biological ones, says Barry Fox"
23/Feb/2002, Issue 2331:
- (EDT) p3: 'Act now, think
- "How to screw up British science at a single stroke"
- (DGR and Will Knight) p5: 'Gagging order'
- "Talking shop could cost scientists their freedom"
- (Eugenie Samuel) p18: 'Kitchen cosmology'
- "A laser, a wire, and hey presto - the heart of a galaxy"
- (Anil Ananthaswamy) Fp27_29: 'Mind Over
- "The cyborgs are here and they're helping us understand how the brain
works. Anil Ananthaswamy investigates"
16/Feb/2002, Issue 2330:
- (Anil Ananthaswamy) p18: 'Call in the
- "No job too small, no place too hard to reach for this bunch of protein
- (FOX) p19: 'Movie
- "Will disposable DVDs lead to an eco-disaster of Hollywood proportions?"
- (Alison Boyle/Graham Lawton) Fp24_27: 'Shoot for the
- "'I take man's last steps from the surface for some time to come, but we
believe not too long into the future' - Eugene Cernan, December 1972"
09/Feb/2002, Issue 2329:
- (EDT) p3: 'Take a punt on
- "ENDLESS energy with next to no radioactive waste? Fusion power will always
sound too good to be true."
- (Anil Ananthaswamy) p5: 'All tied up'
- "Entangling particles is easy when you know how"
- (Anil Ananthaswamy) p14: 'Eye strain'
- "To survive, bionic eyes need to be tough as old nails"
- (Catherine Zandonella) p18: 'Hothouse chips'
- "Why carve computers out of silicon when you can grow them on a crop virus
- (Eugenie Samuel) Fp24_27: 'What lies beneath'
- "Reality could be made of anything from blancmange to billiard balls and
we'd never know, says Eugenie Samuel"
- (RMT) Fp37_39: 'Here comes the
- "For years nuclear fusion seemed just out of reach. Have we finally got the
power, asks Robert Matthews"
02/Feb/2002, Issue 2328:
- (Sylvia Pagan Westphal) Fp4_5: 'Take a thousand
- "Mass-produced clones could soon be rolling off the production line"
- (JUS) p17: 'Out of the void'
- "Even particles that don't exist can pull their weight"
- (Graham Lawton) Fp34_37: 'The Great
- "Good ideas are worth money, so why are hard-headed operators giving them
away for free? Join our experiment to find out, says Graham Lawton"
- (WGR) p43: 'Watching me, watching
- "Is your computer spying on you? And would you always know if it were?"
26/Jan/2002, Issue 2327:
- (FOX) p19: 'Breaking the
- "The laws of physics say you can't squeeze data this much"
- (IAN) Fp27_29: 'Sweet Nothings'
- "The opposite of infinity is a number so small that mathematicians
almost missed it. Good job they didn't, says Ian Stewart"
22/Dec/2001, Issue 2322:
- (Adrian Cho) p10: 'Darker and darker'
- "Dark energy may be the repulsive alter ego of dark matter"
- (MBR) p25: 'Cool Running'
- "This was the year that superconducting went mainstream."
15/Dec/2001, Issue 2321:
- (EDT) p3: 'Squeaky clean'
- "Nuclear power just doesn't make the grade" (fission is clearly too messy,
but fusion should definitely be pushed ahead with IMO - Ian)
- (COG) p7: 'Huge chunk of our
genome is set to be privatised'
- "As much as an eighth of the human genome could be patented in one go."
- (MRC) p10: 'Life force'
- "Blasts from exploding stars can change the course of evolution"
- (Catherine Zandonella) p12: 'Move over, Hubble'
- "You don't have to be in orbit to be a high flyer"
- (JEF) p13: 'Just like home'
- "Visitors to Mars might not even need a spacesuit"
- (HZL) p15: 'Go-faster Universe
may just be a trick of the light'
- "Signs that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating may be an
- (Catherine Zandonella) p22: 'Mexican waves hit
- "Pulsating 'hairs' could steer tiny satellites into their mother ship"
- (RMT) p23: 'They're out to get
- "If you've posted pirated files online, you'd better watch out"
- (WHO) p27: 'Getting warmer
- "In March, physicists were shocked when a common lab chemical, magnesium
diboride, turned out to work as a superconductor at up to 40 kelvin (-233C).
Now Helge Rosner and colleagues at the University of California, Davis, think a
related compound, lithium borocarbide, should superconduct all the way up to
115 kelvin (-158C)."
08/Dec/2001, Issue 2320:
- (EDT) p3: 'Keeping the faith'
- "There may be no God particle but the adventure is just beginning" (this is
about the Higgs boson. You know, I wish physicists would stop using religious
labels - it's really annoying - Ian)
- (Eugene Samuel) Fp4_5: 'No sign of the God
- "Are physcists spending billions on a wild goose chase?"
- (MRC) p7: 'Let there be
- "After the big bang came darkness... and then the sky lit up"
- (Anil Ananthaswamy) p14: 'Through the
- "If you can't see what's inside, send in the entangled photons"
- (James Randerson) p16: 'Second sight'
- "Severed optical nerves can be made to grow again"
- (WGR) p49: 'That personal
- "What is the Internet?"
01/Dec/2001, Issue 2319:
- (EDT) p3: 'Brave new
- "Creating human clones for no good reason is wrong"
- (Adrian Cho) p7: 'Getting warmer'
- "Is carbon the key to superconductors that work at room temperature?"
- (MRC) p13: 'Holes in the
- "For a bit of local action take a peep beyond Pluto" (this is about
mini-black-holes - Ian)
- (Stephen Battersby) Fp27_29: 'Blast From The
- "We could be days away from witnessing the most violent events in the
Universe. Stephen Battersby gets ready to ride the unstoppable gravity wave"
- (DVS) Fp38_40: 'Write Here, Write Now'
- "Soon you'll be able to post a message in the air wherever you go. Bennett
Daviss explores a wierd new way to keep in touch"
- (Liz Else) Fp42_45: 'Seizing Tomorrow'
- "Ask most people and they'll tell you they take the future very seriously.
Ask a politician and they'll bore you into the ground with a 50-point action
plan. Hopeless, says Richard Slaughter, who's just become president of the
World Futures Studies Federation. He's a professor of futures studies based at
the Australian Foresight Institute within Swinburne University of Technology,
and he reckons the way we think about the future is all wrong. What we should
do is study it systematically if we are to stand the faintest chance of
avoiding the disasters that are rushing to meet us. For him, understanding the
future may also be the best way to change the present. Liz Else caught up with
him recently"
28/Apr/2001, Issue 2288:
- (EDT) p3: 'Bolt from the
- "If you're going to tinker with the climate, watch your back"
- (Nicola Jones) p11: 'Matchmakers'
- "All you need to find a photon's distant twin is the right mirror"
- (David Cohen) 15: 'Blind spot?'
- "A little dust could make flying laser cannons worse than useless"
- (GOV) p16: 'Through the looking glass'
- "Is there an invisible world out there where everything is backwards?"
- (Adrian Cho) p20: 'Is our Galaxy sitting in the middle of
- "The solar system could be sitting at the centre of a giant optical
illusion that fools astronomers into thinking distant galaxies are accelerating
away from us."
- (Fred Pearce) p21: 'Hanging in the air'
- "Some pollutants are changing our climate in ways we never dreamed of"
- (Ian Sample) p22: 'Hot shots'
- "Bullets from a tiny plasma gun can unclog the blocked veins that threaten
- (Ian Sample) p23: 'Turn on the juice'
- "What the modern technowarrior needs to get charged up for action"
- (Catherine Zandonella) p24: 'Way to glow'
- "Organic displays promise thinner screens and crisper images"
- (Nick Appleyard/Bridget Appleby) Fp28_31: 'Warp Speed'
- "If your Dad told you how to go faster than light, would you build a
machine to do it? Nick Appleyard and Bridget Appleby investigate"
21/Apr/2001, Issue 2285:
- (Stuart Clark) p:? 'Chasing shadows'
- "The idea that invisible galaxies haunt the Universe has got astronomers
peering into the darkness. But what they find may dismay then, says Stuart
14/Apr/2001, Issue 2286:
- (EDT) p3: 'Free for
- "MIT is planning a huge giveaway. The world is about to get richer"
- (PMK) p6: 'Bill Gates relinquishes
rights to your latest novel'
- "Microsoft wants you to abandon your hard drive and keep all
your files and programs on a remote server, from where you would
download them wen they're needed. But a storm blew up last week
when someone noticed that the 'conditions of service' for the
system, called .NET, appeared to claim copyright on anything it
- (GOV) p7: 'It started with a crash'
- "Our Universe didn't really exist until another one bumped
into it"
- (MRC) p14: 'Heavenly twins'
- "What if two Universes popped into existence 15 billion
years ago instead of one?"
- (JUS) Fp35_37: 'Perfect Focus'
- "A material born from one physicist's flight of fancy could
revolutionise a medical imaging technique and answer the computer
industry's prayers, says Justin Mullins"
07/Apr/2001, Issue 2285:
- (Adrian Cho) p6: "What's the big rush?"
- "Light from the oldest supernova ever seen suggests the
Universe is expanding faster and faster"
- (WHO) p23: 'Doped-up diamonds'
- "A sheet of diamond with crystals less than 5 nanometres
across has conducted electrons for the first time, ..."
- (MBR) Fp39_40: 'Tricks of the Light'
- "A 12st-century conjuror is revealing secrets that have lain
hidden for 5000 years. Michael Brooks marvels at the magic"
31/Mar/2001, Issue 2284:
- (EDT) p3: 'Come the
- "It was an invention that was meant to change our lives - can
- (JUS) p7: 'Cracked
- "Hold the bubbly until we're sure this superconductor really works"
- (GOV) Fp27_29: 'The First Split Second'
- "The secrets of the big bang hide behind an impenetrable
wall of fire. But Govert Schilling knows a way through"
- (DAV) Fp35_37: 'E-mmune From
- "Digital antibodies will stimulate your computer's defences,
and reveal a thing or two about your body's immune system as
well. Clive Davidson reports"
24/Mar/2001, Issue 2283:
- (FOX) p20: 'Sharp shooter'
- "A new display technology promises to make high-resolution, widescreen TVs
much more affordable"
- (Ian Sample) p21: 'Vapour trail'
- "Miniature spacecraft could puff their way across the galaxy using steam
- (BNI) Fp?_?: "That's
- "If you like TV, you'll love the Mars Channel. Take your seats for the
network premiere of interplanetary telly. Ben Iannotta reports"
17/Mar/2001, Issue 2282:
- (Adrian Cho) p7: 'Piece of the action'
- "The race is on to stake a claim in a hot new superconductor"
- (Anil Ananthaswamy) Fp34_37: "You hum it and
I'll find it"
- "Search engines are leaving plain text behind and exploring
the sights and sounds of cyberspace. Anil Ananthaswamy reports"
10/Mar/2001, Issue 2281:
- (MRC) Fp?_?: 'The Omega
- "He shattered mathematics with a single number. And that was just for
starters, says Marcus Chown"
- (KRT) Fp?_?: 'Free speech,
liberty, pornography'
- "Cyber-revolutionaries are abandoning the Web to build an anarchic,
censorship-free alternative. Kurt Kleiner reports"
03/Mar/2001, Issue 2280:
- (DGR) p7: 'Humble chemical has starring role as
- "A previously ignored 'off-the-shelf' chemical has been
found to superconduct at higher temperatures than previously
thought possible for a simple metallic compound. ..."
- (JUS) p13: 'Catch the wave'
- "Mirrors that blow hot and cold will pick up elusive gravity
- (Beth Martin) p19: 'Making the switch'
- "The day computers turn molecular is rapidly approaching"
- (DGR) p21: 'Whizz-kid computer'
- "Have programs got smart enough to learn language the way we do?"
- (Adrian Cho) Fp33_35: 'Burn Out'
- "Faster processing demands more power, and computers are
feeling the heat. So how can they keep their cool without
slowing you down? Adrian Cho investigates"
24/Feb/2001, Issue 2279:
- (WHO) p7: "It's a pain in the Net"
- "The American Civil Liberties Union says it will sue the
federal government in an attempt to overturn the law that forces
federally funded libraries to install software that filters out
sexually explicit material. ..."
- (FOX) p18: 'Big turn-off'
- "Why your bargain TV won't work if it finds it's in the
wrong country"
- (Mark Schrope) p21: 'Whispering wafers'
- "Crystals grown in space make quieter microprocessors"
- (David Cohen) Fp27_29: 'Machine
- "With an artificial brain that can outshine its human
creator, the silicon scientist is a researcher's best friend.
And, says David Cohen, it is even willing to share its results -
for now"
17/Feb/2001, Issue 2278:
- (KRT) p20: 'Into space on
thin air'
- "A shuttle that makes its own fuel could take off from your
local airport"
- (Eugenie Samuel) p22: 'Quantum mischief'
- "The smaller micromachines get, the harder it is to control
what they do"
- (Hans Christian von Baeyer) Fp26_30: 'In the Beginning
was the Bit'
- "And after that came the rest of the wierd world, says Hans
Christian von Baeyer"
- (Adrian Cho) Fp43_45: 'Small Wonder'
- "When the footfall of a single electron sets your circuit
jumping, you know something strange is going on. Adrian Cho
watches a bouncing buckyball kick off a new era in
10/Feb/2001, Issue 2277:
- (Ian Sample) p21: 'Swiss roller'
- "Tumbleweed inspired an oddball robot that will roam around Mars"
- (Eugenie Samuel) p22: 'Starry eyed'
- "Squaring the circle will bring Earth-like planets swimming
into view"
03/Feb/2001, Issue 2276:
- (MRC) Fp22_25: 'Mass Medium'
- "Feeling heavy and sluggish? Blame the quantum vacuum, says
Marcus Chown"
- (Anil Ananthaswamy) Fp26_30: 'Space babies'
- "Electronics engineers are giving birth to a new species of
space probes that will adapt to harsh environments, heal
themselves and even evolve into better, smarter machines. Anil
Ananthaswamy coos over the new arrivals"
27/Jan/2001, Issue 2275:
- (Eugenie Samuel) p4: 'Light stops dead'
- "Does the key to quantum computing like in freezing a light beam?"
- (Adrian Cho) p9: 'Battle of the quarks'
- "Rival atom smashers clash at an international conference"
- (KEN) Fp29_31: 'Red, Willing and Able'
- "Far from being desolate backwaters, red dwarfs may harbour
an abundance of alien life. Ken Croswell finds out why"
20/Jan/2001, Issue 2274:
- (PMK) p7: 'A clear winner'
- "Magnets and microchips combine in a transparent supermaterial"
- (Ian Sample) p11: "I'm your tiniest fan"
- "A horde of micropropellers will keep your chips chilled"
- (WHO) p11: 'Gene machine'
- "Quantum computers could be speeded up with DNA, ..."
- (BNI) Fp21_24: 'To Hell and
- "Braving plasma storms and pillars of fire leaping millions
of kilometres into space, a tiny craft will give us our first
look at the Sun, and then return for more. Ben Iannotta
- (RMT) Fp26_29: 'The Ideas Machine'
- "Human inventiveness has reached the end of the road.
Something far smarter is about to take over, says Robert
13/Jan/2001, Issue 2273:
- (EDT) p3: 'The genie is out'
- "Biotech has just sprung a nasty surprise. Next time, it could be
- (Rachel Nowak) p4: 'Disaster in the
- "An engineered mouse virus leaves us one step away from the ultimate
- (JUS) p14: 'Stuck on chips'
- "Even quantum computers can't do without old fashioned silicon"
- (PHL) Fp25_29: 'Dinner with
- "Just when you thought it was safe to stop evolving, culture and technology
may be itching to wipe out your genes. Is human evolution about to take off,
asks Philip Cohen"
- (Bruce Schechter) Fp34_37: 'Tall, Dark and Stranger'
- "A forest of silicon spikes could revolutionise solar cells and give you
painless injections. Bruce Schechter peers into the mysterious world of black
- (Stuart Clark) Fp44_47: 'Out of this
- "He is one of the world's leading authorities on planets outside our Solar
System. But although Geoffrey Marcy has been officially credited with finding
38 of the 53 suspected worlds that have been identified so far, he was beaten
into the history books by a European team which discovered the first extrasolar
planet. Marcy, who is professor of astronomy at the University of California at
Berkeley, is now in open competition with this team, and others, in the race to
find and announce new worlds. Stuart Clark explores Marcy's universe"
- (Caspar Bowden) p51: 'Hand over your keys'
- "Protecting privacy could soon be more difficult in Britain than anywhere
in the world, warns Caspar Bowden. Internet users may end up with fewer civil
rights than terrorists"
06/Jan/2001, Issue 2272:
- (FOX) p8: 'Who needs 3G?'
- "A cheap in-car digital radio receiver will give motorists many of the
benefits of pricey third-generation (3G) cellphone networks, New Scientist can
- (COG/Emma Young) p9: 'Great expectations'
- "Landmark vote clears the way for stem cell research in Britain"
- (WHO) p13: 'Single file please'
- "Intercepting the keys to coded messages could get alot harder, now that
Atac Imamoglu and his team at the University of California, Santa Barbara, have
developed a 'quantum dot' that can emit light one photon at a time."
- (Phil Scott) Fp20_23: 'Big, Buoyant and Back in Business'
- "First time round it ended in disaster. Now a forgotten form of air
transport is due for a revival, says Phil Scott"
- (Neil Savage) Fp30_32: 'Bright Encounter'
- "Aliens are firing high-powered lasers at the Earth. Don't panic, they're
probably just trying to tell us something. Neil Savage reports"
23/Dec/2000, Issue 2270:
- (EDT) p3: 'Space
- "Hey may have got the details wrong but Arthur C. Clarke had the
right idea"
- (PMK) p23: 'It is secure, honest'
- "Denial of service attacks, a crippling computer virus and
security blunders at online banks all exposed the vulnerability of
the Internet." (2000 Review article)
16/Dec/2000, Issue 2269:
- (EDT) p3: 'War and
- "Let's not be deceived by the allure of non-lethal weapons"
- (Rob Edwards) p4: 'War without
- "Should 'non-lethal' chemical and biological weapons be allowed?"
- (DGR) p11: 'Virtually yours'
- "You can touch it, turn it, but it isn't really there"
- (WHO) p21: 'Titchy tipple'
- "Japan has honed its micromachining skills with the creation of
the world's smallest wine glass."
- (Jeff Peterson) Fp27_29: 'Universe in the
- "At last we know just how much the cosmos weighs. The answer
shows that theories of the Universe's origin are spot on, says
cosmologist Jeff Peterson. Trouble is, we still haven't a clue what
most of the stuff is made from"
09/Dec/2000, Issue 2268:
- (FOX/COG) p4: 'Patently
- "The biotech gold rush is making a mockery of the world patent system"
- (MRC) p11: 'Anyone out there?'
- "Doomed asteroids point to Earth-like planets fit for life"
- (Ian Sample) p12: 'On a wing and a jolt'
- "If you thought warp drive was weird, try jolt propulsion"
- (FOX) p14: 'Hidden agenda'
- "Deleting attachments won't save us from a new breed of virus"
- (WHO) p19: 'Tiny turn-on'
- "Researchers have made the equivalent of a tiny dimmer switch out of carbon
nanotubes - the tubular cousins of buckyballs."
19/Aug/2000, Issue 2252:
- (JUS) p11: 'A clean sweep'
- "NASA plans to carry out a spot of housework" (removing space junk with a
laser from infront of the ISS)
- (COG) Fp14_15: 'Stem cells: the way
- "If stem cell research is given a new lease of life, researchers could tap
into its true potential. There are already clear signs that the cells could
revolutionise medicine, from organ transplants to treating diseases such as
- (WHO) p17: 'All rounder'
- "A digital video camera that can see in every direction has been developed
at Gifu University in Japan."
- (JUS) Fp34_37: 'Radio Blast'
- "The airwaves are already stuffed to capacity with hi-tech transmissions.
Could tall buildings be the saviours of radio, asks Justin Mullins"
- (WEB) Fp42_45: 'Imagine that'
- "What's an engineer doing up to his elbows in neurons?"
12/Aug/2000, Issue 2251:
- (EDT) p3: 'All planets great and small'
- "Planet fever consumed the International Astronomical Union meeting in
Manchester this week."
- (Anil Ananthaswamy) p7: 'Silicon bugs'
- "They're half bacterium, half microchip..."
- (WHO) p11: 'High anxiety'
- "Virtual reality simulations are just as effective as conventional therapy
at curing people's fear of flying, Samantha Smith and Barbara Rothbaum told the
American Psychological Association's annual convention in Washington DC last
- (COG) p14: 'Bit of a spin'
- "You won't find it powering a Forumla 1 racing car, but it's still a world
first: a motor consisting of a single molecule that's been designed from
- (MRC) p19: 'The dimension hunters'
- "A twilight zone may materialise at CERN's new collider"
- (Joanna Marchant) Fp34_37: 'Need a hand?'
- "Suppose our bodies could be induced to grow replacement limbs, just as
amphibians do. It's not as outrageous as it sounds, says Joanna Marchant"
- (DGR) Fp42_45: 'Access granted'
- (Duncan Graham-Rowe talks to "Oxblood Ruffin", a member of the hacker
group, "The Cult of the Dead Cow", about the image of hackers in the corporate
05/Aug/2000, Issue 2250:
- (Alexander Hellemans) p5: 'Masters of disguise'
- "Has the case of the missing neutrinos been solved?"
- (Adrian Cho) p7: 'Green light for son of Sojourner'
- "NASA announced last week that it plans to send a six-wheeled robot to Mars
in June 2003."
- (Diane Martindale) p10: 'Molecular movies'
- "A touchy-feely microscope films proteins in action"
- (DGR) p14: 'Flexible beamers'
- "Building plastic lasers may soon be possible, say researchers at Bell Labs
in New Jersey."
- (WHO) p19: 'French fusion'
- "France has made a formal offer to host ITER, the International
Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor."
- (FOX) p21: 'Signal boost?'
- "A satellite radio service could help beat the censors"
- (Eugenie Samuel) Fp36_39: 'Wicked weather'
- "Space storms are dangerous beasts and tricky to track down. But divine the
secrets of the solar wind and our problem will be solved, says Eugenie
- (JTM) Fp40_42: 'Blast it'
- "Unleash the power of supersonic shock waves and you can push anything from
proteins to engine oils to their limits. Jim Thomas reports"
29/Jul/2000, Issue 2249:
- (DGR) p4: 'Blind watchmen'
- "Britain is about to waste millions of pounds on an obsolete Internet
snooping system"
- (Tom Clarke) p6: 'Particle hunters complete the set at
- "It's called DONUT, and it has filled a stubborn hole in particle
- (Ian Sample) p11: 'Is there anybody out there?'
- "A superconducting transistor should help astronomers pick up signals from
far-off solar systems that are too faint to be detected."
- (JUS) p12: 'And you thought light moves fast'
- "So much for the ultimate speed limit."
- (DGR) p16: 'Eyes right'
- "An artificial eye that moves will give patients more confidence after
radical facial surgery"
22/Jul/2000, Issue 2248:
- (DGR) p7: 'Feed me'
- "Could the future of robotics be a toy train with a taste for flesh?"
- (Eugenie Samuel) p11: 'Break all the rules'
- "Playing fast and loose with light speed could be a good thing"
- (WHO) p11: 'Too little, too soon'
- "Today's WAP cellphones are already obsolete."
- (WHO) p21: 'Starting over'
- "Record producers were appalled last week when they found they could hear a
supposedly inaudible 'watermark' designed to make DVD-Audio players reject
copied discs."
- (WHO) p21: 'Big browser'
- "Civil liberties groups in Britain are condemning a controversial new law
designed to extend telephone-tapping powers to cover electronic
- (DGR) Fp27_29: 'Faster than a
speeding bullet'
- "It's loud, it's rocket powered and it's fearsomely fast. Is this the
future of underwater travel, asks Duncan Graham-Rowe"
15/Jul/2000, Issue 2247:
- (Ralph Lorenz) Fp24_27: 'Titan here we
- "Want to scout a giant moon for signs of life? Then send in a helicopter,
says Ralph Lorenz"
- (David Cohen) p11: 'Money for nothing'
- "PCs aren't cheap. Why not make them work for their keep?"
- (DEB) p22: 'What a downer'
- "We may have to abandon our dreams of colonising space"
- (MRC) p20: 'To catch a wave'
- "Who needs a giant detector when you've got quantum encryption"
- (Joanna Marchant) p13: 'On the pulse'
- "One of the oldest tricks in chemistry could change the face of
- (WHO) p23: 'Nanosponges'
- "Tiny sponges may be the key to antisense therapy"
- (WHO) p7: 'Ready for a rendezvous'
- "NASA's Deep Space1 spacecraft is back on track"
08/Jul/2000, Issue 2246:
- (PMK/Mark Robins) p5: "Who's flying this thing?"
- "Web browser control brings hijacking threats to spacecraft"
- (DGR) p5: 'A chip for an eye'
- "A tiny silicon chip that mimics the way the human retina works was
implanted into three blind patients in Illinois last week. ..."
- (MRC) p20: 'A hole is born'
- "There's a brilliant flash of gamma rays, then it all goes black"
- (Robert Iron) Fp25_27: "They've seen a ghost"
- "There are some spooky goings-on in the atomic world. Get them under
control and we'll be on our way to making a computer with atoms that aren't
really there. Robert Iron investigates"
01/Jul/2000, Issue 2245:
- (EDT) p3: 'The coming revolution'
- "One thing is certain: we will never be the same again" [human genome
- (COG/NEL) Fp4_5: 'The end of the
- "The first draft of the human genome signals a new era for humanity"
- (PMK) p8: 'Jet set displays'
- "Want to make a colour video screen? Then just print one out"
- (DGR) p10: 'Now give me your cache'
- "Should you squirrel your data away on the Net, rather than store it at
home? Bill thinks so..."
- (Nicola Jones) p16: 'Really cooking'
- "Behind the Sun's explosive and violent face there's a tale of pressure
taking its toll"
- (FOX) p17: 'The Net strikes back'
- "Internet geeks are going into battle against British Telecom"
- (Ian Sample) Fp20_24: 'Just a normal
- "... but out of nowhere a wave of chaos was to wash over that world. In a
millisecond it was gone. There were no phones, no computers, no power, nothing.
Yet nobody had died, no buildings razed to the ground. And then the blind panic
set in. What's going on, asks Ian Sample "
24/Jun/2000, Issue 2244:
- (EDT) p3: 'An alien
- "We have little to fear from the nascent global brain - yet"
- (Ian Sample) p11: 'Wired like a human'
- "Design your circuit like a brain and it'll be almost as smart"
- (FOX) p15: 'New kid on the block'
- "No sooner has DVD arrived than a challenger appears on the horizon"
- (MBR) Fp22_27: 'Global
- "Any time now, the Internet will start demanding information... or else.
Shouldn't you be afraid, asks Micharl Brooks"
- (JUS) Fp36_39: 'Spin doctors'
- "Bury a phosphorus atom in the core of a conventional silicon chip and
you're well on the way to unleashing the formidable computing power of the
quantum world, says Justin Mullins"
17/Jun/2000, Issue 2243:
- (EDT) p3: 'Spooks
- "You'll never catch criminals by tapping the Net, so don't even try"
- (MRC) Fp36_39: 'Shadow
- "It could be all around us, a parallel universe of mirror galaxies,
mirror planets... even mirror life. Marcus Chown reflects on signs from
the other side"
- (FOX) p50: "Hollywood's last
- "We are supposed to live in a global village. Someone should tell the movie
studios, says Barry Fox"
10/Jun/2000, Issue 2242:
- (DGR) p5: 'Half fish, half robot'
- "One day your brain could live on in a mechanical shell"
- (JUS) p8: 'Going for a spin'
- "Whirling nano-magnets could slash electrical energy losses"
- (FOX) p14: 'No French connection'
- "Roaming wireless Net users could fall foul of split standards"
- (DGR) p15: 'Gently does it'
- "Sensitive implants help you adjust your grip"
- (MRC) Fp32_35: 'Out in the Cold'
- "The cosmos doesn't need us any more. Marcus Chown finds a growing
chorus of dissent against the anthropic principle"
- (Guy Cumberbatch) Fp44_45: 'Only a game?'
- "Do kids who like zapping people on screen take their aggression
to the streets? Guy Cumberbatch doesn't believe the hype"
03/Jun/2000, Issue 2241:
- (JUS) p14: 'Electric muscles up the pace'
- "Artificial muscles can match the speed, size or strength of human muscle,
but not all at the same time. Now researchers at MIT have worked out how to
overcome the limitations of artificial muscles made from conducting polymers -
a breakthrough that might lead to a new generation of artificial hearts."
- (GOV) p21: 'Second sight'
- "A revamped Hubble could reveal distant reaches of time and space"
- (MRC) Fp24_27: 'Before the Big
- "How did the Universe begin? Now with a bang but with a whimper, says
Marcus Chown"
27/May/2000, Issue 2240:
- (EDT) p3: 'The green
- "Invoking God and nature won't solve our problems with biotechnology"
- (PMK) p7: 'Danger signals'
- "Now it's official: avionics and mobile phones don't mix"
- (FOX) p11: 'License to thrill'
- "A revolutionary home-cinema system has movie moguls sweating"
- (Fred Pearce) Fp14_15: 'Back to basics'
- "FOCUS: It's not just high-flown ideas or high-tech inventions that get
things done in the developing world. Ingenuity and common sense are vital,
20/May/2000, Issue 2239:
- (PMK) p10: 'Light touch'
- "Your secrets are safe with the quantum detector"
- (JUS) p11: 'Is your phone
- "Mobiles are fertile ground for e-bugs of the future"
- (FOX) p11: 'Body moves'
- "Inventors at MIT are developing a system for tracking human motion
and displaying realistic 3D computer images of how someone is moving."
- (FOX) p12: 'Personal touch'
- "A new type of CD or DVD that is part prerecorded and part blank, ready for
recording, will soon be hitting the shops."
- (NEL/COG) p15: 'Your genes in their
- "Will patents on human genes encourage research or stifle it?"
- (HZL) Fp22_25: 'Cosmic anarchists'
- "They zoom through the Universe, ripping out stars' hearts and flouting
the laws of physics. Hazel Muir investigates the wild world of Q-balls"
- (JUS) Fp26_29: 'Entangled
- "Spooky quantum messages could soon be delivering stupednous computing
power and superfast communication. Justin Mullins logs onto the wierd Wired
- (Oliver Morton) p43: 'More sinned
- "Welcome to a food campaigner's nightmare." [this is a commentary on
Microsoft - Ian]
13/May/2000, Issue 2238:
- (EDT) p3: 'Only the best will do'
- "Our cars are crash tested. We need to make sure computers are too"
- (DGR) p6: 'A droid for all
- "No job is too unusual for a breed of robots that reinvent themselves"
- (KRT/DGR) p7: 'Go forth and multiply'
- "Only diversity will protect PCs against future Love Bugs"
- (JUS) p10: 'Space timing'
- "With entangled particles you can synchronise satellite clocks with perfect
- (MRC) p17: 'Worlds without end'
- "We may all reside in the varied realm of quantum mechanics"
- (MRC) p18: 'Lost and found'
- "The Universe's missing hydrogen has turned up at last"
- (Sara Russell and Conel Alexander) Fp21_23: 'Stardust'
- "Diamonds forged in long-dead stars are providing astronomers with
sparkling insights into our origins, say Sara Russell and Conel Alexander"
06/May/2000, Issue 2237:
- (FOX) p16: 'No place like home'
- "Burglars beware: now televisions know just where they belong"
- (JUS) p17: "That's cool"
- "High-tech electronics learns a trick from textile artists"
- (Mark Schrope) p22: 'Flat as a pancake'
- "The Earth may be round, but the Universe certainly isn't"
- (KRT) Fp30_33: 'Atomic logic'
- "Miniscule seems too big a word for electronic components that are single
molecules. But one day they could be the brains behind your very own
supercomputer, says Kurt Kleiner"
29/Apr/2000, Issue 2236:
- (Mark Schrope) p9: 'Mysterious particles go
round the bend'
- "The source of cosmic rays, particles which bombard the Earth's atmosphere
with astronomical amounts of energy, has eluded physicists. But perhaps that's
because they've been looking in the wrong place."
- (DGR) p10: 'Hitting the nerve'
- "Latest eye implant offers hope to people with damaged retinas"
- (DGR) p17: 'Trial by laptop'
- "An electronic judge on wheels delivers instant justice"
22/Apr/2000, Issue 2235:
- (Nicole Johnston) p10: 'Sludge power'
- "Keep your spaceship in running order with a sewage cocktail"
- (Paul Marks) p11: 'Wanna jam it?'
- "A little Net savvy is all you need to block satellite signals"
15/Apr/2000, Issue 2234:
- (FOX) p7: 'Plumbing the depths'
- "After DVDs, data storage is set to enter a new dimension"
- (HAD) p10: 'Plane speedy'
- "Japan is marrying two types of jet engine to power an aircraft that could
fly from Tokyo to New York in 3 hours"
- (Tony Stone) p11: 'Quick as a flash'
- "The Internet could one day get a speed boost from light-emitting
- (RMT) p12: 'Star trekking'
- "Voyages across the Universe have come light years closer"
- (DGR) Fp14_15: 'No walkover'
- "FOCUS: For paralysed people, getting back on their feet is the great goal.
But technology isn't keeping pace with their hopes"
- (BCH) Fp20_24: 'Life force'
- "Do quantum computers make us what we are, asks Mark Buchanan"
- (James Oberg) Fp26_29: 'Houston, we have a problem'
- "A catalogue of lost spacecraft and human errors has left NASA with egg on
its face. But how many other disasters are waiting to happen, asks James
08/Apr/2000, Issue 2233:
- (JEF) p5: 'Mired over Mars'
- "Two lost probes are forcing NASA to rethink"
- (WHO) p5: 'Hot doughnut'
- "The plasma in a tokamak fusion reactor is so hot, only pulsed
transformers have so far been able to generate magnetic fields strong
enough to contain it."
- (FOX) p14: 'Holes sink sell-off'
- "Old TV channels leave too many gaps for cellphones"
01/Apr/2000, Issue 2232:
- (EDT) p3: 'Going
for gold'
- "Who will reap the riches from the human genome"
- (DGR) p7: 'Darth
- "How bug-eyed Star Wars fans could end up driving your car"
- (JEF) p10: 'Fluid switching'
- "Optical networks won't need moving parts, just bubbles"
- (MRC) Fp25_27: 'Holes
in one'
- "Despite their fearsome reputation, not all black holes are
cosmos-gobbling monsters, says Marcus Chown. There could even be one
inside you"
- (Nigel Henbest) Fp29_31: 'The great annihilators'
- "They eat stars, fire particle beams and glow with the light of
colliding matter and antimatter. And they're turning up right here in
our Galaxy. Nigel Henbest reports on the strange beasts that are
getting astronomers excited"
- (Stephen Battersby) Fp32_36: 'Masters of the Universe'
- "Without black holes, we might not be here. Stephen Battersby
reveals how the dark created light"
- (DGR) Fp42_45: 'OPINION:
God of the norns'
- "Stephen Grand has created a new species. Norns are cute little
creatures with their own digital DNA and biochemistry. They can get
sick, they can reproduce, and they can evolve. We talk to the proud
father of the world's most sophisticated artificial life forms."
- (John Sulston) Fp46_47: 'Forever
- "Unrestricted access to the genetic building blocks of life is
guaranteed to all, says John Sulston"
- (Peter James) p52: 'LETTER:
Darling, you've got beautiful genes'
- "PEOPLE have been born equal--until now. Microchips with the
potential to reveal people's genetic frailties, like those described
in your news item (11 March, p 4) will change that and have
implications for society far more damaging than discrimination by
prospective employers or insurance companies." (what Peter describes
reminds me very much of the film, "Gattica" - Ian)
25/Mar/2000, Issue 2231:
- (EDT) p3: 'Read the runes'
- "Iridium paid the price for making a basic mistake"
- (HZL) p5: 'Bending light
over backwards'
- "AN INGENIOUS new material announced this week looks set to turn
some everyday physics on its head and open the way to entirely new
kinds of electronic components."
- (David Cohen) p8: 'Out of
- "The Internet is about to get even harder to police. A system
that makes it easy to publish information on the Internet anonymously
could give a free rein to terrorists, software pirates and
paedophiles, say Internet watchdogs. But the creators of Freenet
believe the risk is worth taking to preserve free speech on the
- (DGR) p18: 'Picemeal security threatens e-commerce'
- "The future of e-commerce is being threatened by the difficulty
of keeping it secure."
18/Mar/2000, Issue 2230:
- (EDT) p3: "Don't
keep secrets"
- "There's no alternative to being open with public"
- (Alexander Hellemans) p18: 'Short circuit'
- "An international team of physicists has created the world's
smallest racetrack. It's made from semiconductor rings so tiny that
just a single electron races around inside each one."
- (MBR) Fp22_25: 'Art of
- "There could be a way to create black holes right here on Earth.
If it works, says Michael Brooks, the holes will reveal some of the
Universe's deepest secrets"
- (Ian Sample) Fp38_39: 'Raw Power'
- "Spinach does it for Popeye and it could do it for computers,
too. Ian Sample reveals how the next generation of microchips may be
grown on a farm"
11/Mar/2000, Issue 2229:
- (FOX) p15: 'The spy who
bugged me'
- "Why make it easy to eavesdrop on satellite telephone calls?"
- (WHO) p15: 'Cyborg cell'
- "A living human cell has been combined with a microchip by
researchers at the University of California, Berkeley."
04/Mar/2000, Issue 2228:
- (FOX) p6: 'A million albums on a single organic
- "A new way of storing digital data has been pioneered by
researchers in the US and China."
- (DGR) p11: 'Prowling the skies'
- "Missiles that choose their own targets are big money-savers"
- (DGR) Fp16_17: "It's a steal"
- "FOCUS: When it comes to online crime, hackers may be hitting the
headlines now but the real outlaws are learning fast. And they intend
to make a killing"
- (Ian Angell) Fp44_45: 'Battle Stations'
- "OPINION: Welcome to the Information Age. From tax evasion to
social fragmentation, Ian Angell sees trouble ahead"
26/Feb/2000, Issue 2227:
- (JKN) p7: 'Game of life'
- "Biocomputers take their first step with a little chess puzzle"
- (FOX) p21: 'Piracy fears block multichannel VCRs'
- "Movie producers have succeeded in crippling one of the major
advantages of a new generation of digital VCRs - the ability to
record several TV channels at once."
- (MRC) Fp25_28: 'Random
- "Space and the material world could be created out of nothing but
noise. That's the startling conclusion of a new theory that attempts
to explain the stuff of reality, as Marcus Chown reports"
11/Dec/99, Issue 2216:
- (JEF) p8: 'IBM plans its latest smash hit'
- "A 'self-healing' supercomputer running 500 times faster than any
other could help unravel the molecular secrets of disease, say
computer scientists at IBM."
- (FOX) p16: 'Picture perfect'
- "TV screens will be held together with invisible stitches"
- (WHO) p17: 'Chip stack'
- "Researchers at Bell Labs in New Jersey say building transistors
vertically rather than horizontally could be the key to making
faster, denser microchips."
- (WHO) p17: 'Bug tracker'
- "Smart agents could one day roam computer networks hunting down
viruses, says IBM."
- (DGR) Fp25_28: 'Warning! Strange behaviour'
- "Nobody sees the thief looking for a car to break into, or the
woman steeling herself to jump infront of a train - but somehow the
alarm is sounded. Duncan Graham-Rowe enters a world where machines
predict our every move"
04/Dec/99, Issue 2215:
- (CHS) p8: 'Acoustic eye that works in the murk'
- "A camera that lets divers see through the murkiest of waters is
being developed by a subsidiary of the aerospace company Lockheed
- (DGR) p9: 'Rollersnake'
- "Realistic robots are wriggling off the drawing board"
- (Tony Stone) p11: 'Frozen chips'
- "The next generation of microprocessors may have to be cooled to
- (DGR) p22: 'Chips are down'
- "The prospect of a European trade ban on Intel's Pentium III
processor came closer last month."
- (ALI) Fp42_45: 'I am a
- "Imagine recording every life experience with a device built into
the lens of your glasses."
27/Nov/99, Issue 2214:
- (MRC) p11: 'Unwrite
- "It's heresy, but time running backwards could explain dark matter"
20/Nov/99, Issue 2213:
- (Mark Schrope) p11: 'Alien
- "A walking robot could make its wearer incredibly powerful"
- (Ian Sample) p24: 'Bubble bursts illusion of email
- "It was only a matter of time. Now a computer virus spread by
email can infect your system even if you avoid opening any attatched
- (Catherine Zandonella) Fp40_45: 'Get real'
- "There's something not quite right about the fantasy worlds
conjured up in games and simulators. But scientists building the next
generation of physics-based games are set to change that"
13/Nov/99, Issue 2212:
- (EDT) p3: 'Land of the
- "If you want to see how to manage open access, look at America"
- (DGR) p4: 'A signal
- "Walking may be ambitious, but a neural amplifier could restore
movement to many paraplegics"
- (Yvonne Carts-Powell) p6: 'Spring-loaded
- "Bouncing robots could become a cop's best friend"
- (Matt Walker) Fp20_21: 'Too little, too late'
- "FOCUS: It's long overdue, but will Britain's Freedom of Information
Bill still deny right of access to information on major issues of
public safety?"
- (KRT) p22: 'Films for free'
- "Hackers have cracked the system meant to stop digital video
discs being pirated."
- (FOX) p22: 'The colour of money'
- "Sony gambles on its 'blue' video recorders being a massive hit"
- (DGR) p23: 'Leave your
- "A single fingerprint can make lockers secure"
- (KRT) p23: 'Lone molecule shrinks mighty memory'
- "A new kind of computer memory that needs only a single molecule
to store a data bit was announced last week by a researcher from Yale
- (MRC) Fp44_47: 'The last supper'
- "When a star runs out of hydrogen, it starts eating planets. But
swallowing gas giants can give you terrible indigestion. Marcus Chown
06/Nov/99, Issue 2211:
- (FOX) p11: 'New-wave
- "Electronic eavesdropping is becoming mere child's play"
- (CHS) p21: 'Riding the
- "Spacecraft could soon be propelled by microwave engines"
- (FOX) p21: 'Will you get stuck in the Matrix?'
- "The rush to get DVD players into the shops is causing problems
for movie buyers."
- (Dana Mackenzie) Fp44_47: 'On a roll'
- "Understand randomness and you could win a Nobel prize, or clean
up big time at casino. So the stakes are high indeed for a tiny band
of mathematicians who reckon they are beginning to crack it, says
Dana Mackenize"
- (Ehsan Masood) Fp48_51: 'Confidentially
- (an interview with Ross Anderson, on the subject of privacy and
encryptions technologies)
30/Oct/99, Issue 2210:
- (EDT) p3: 'The common
- "Forget everything you know about who owns what... it's revolution time"
- (Ian Sample) p11: 'Keep your
- "Acoustic trickery can spot dangerous chemicals in sealed drums"
- (CHS) p14: 'Spam hits
the fan'
- "A nation of pornographers and spammers. That was the view of Britain
apparently adopted by one of the biggest Internet service providers in
the US last week, as it decided to block all incoming email from British
- (FOX) p23: 'Digital disaster'
- "Plans to modernise America's TV are in trouble"
- (MRC) p25: 'Getting heavy'
- "Does a shadowy particle fatten up some mighty atoms?"
- (MBR) Fp32_37: 'The Quantum
- "Entangled photons could provide deep insights into our world
that nobody, not even physicists, expected. Michael Brooks spoke to
the chief inquisitor"
23/Oct/99, Issue 2209:
- (FOX) p14: 'Fast trick'
- "A British invention that thwarts road-side speed enforcement cameras
goes on sale this week."
- (FOX) p14: 'No denying it'
- "Digital watermarks mean crooks can't claim they've been framed"
- (JEF) p15: 'Will Net
upgrade dent online privacy?'
- "Privacy campaigners are up in arms over plans for a new Internet
transmission standard that can add information to emails and Web
requests that identifies the sender's computer."
- (CHS) p23: 'Masters of infinity'
- "The men who tamed a wayward force get the physics Nobel"
16/Oct/99, Issue 2208:
- (JEF) : 'Then there
were ten'
- "Way out beyond Pluto, there may be another giant planet"
- (KRT) p11: 'Gas
- "There's a new kind of computer in the air"
- (Robert Adler) p17: 'Magic metal'
- "It only exists for a few milliseconds, but its scope is cosmic"
- (FOX) p20: 'Split
- "An industry split over the best way to speed up Net access via
mobiles and laptops could be bad news for consumers"
- (KRT) Fp22_23: 'FOCUS: Patently silly'
- "Fierce battles over intillectual property rights, rather than state
intervention, are now the main threat to the Net"
- (WHO) p27: 'Quantum
- "Buckyballs - molecules made up of 60 carbon atoms - can behave like
waves, blurring the boundary between the everyday world and the realm of
quantum mechanics"
- (Julian Barbour) Fp28_32: 'timeless'
- "Surely nothing is possible without time? But according to physicist
Julian Barbour, it doesn't even exist"
09/Oct/99, Issue 2207:
- (EDT) p3: 'Critical
- "Take seven bucketfuls of highly enriched uranium..."
- (HAD/Rob Edwards/JUS) Fp4_5: 'Asking for
- "The Tokaimura nuclear plant was an accident waiting to happen"
- (JEF) p6: 'Schoolkid
blunder brought down Mars probe'
- "NASA lost its $125 million Mars Climate Orbiter spacecraft as a
result of a mistake that would shame a first-year physics
student - failing to convert Imperial units to metric."
- (Ian Sample) p16: 'Sharpen up'
- "A giant rradio telescope will cut through cellphone noise"
- (WHO) p17: 'Long players'
- "Stand by for the super-long-pplaying CD player."
- (Fred Pearce) p27: 'Running on empty'
- "Even oil companies are looking for alternative fuels"
- (Rita Carter) Fp30_34: 'Tune in,
turn off'
- "You too could have seemingly superhuman mental skills. All you
have to do is switch off part of your brain. Sounds bizarre? Rita
Carter investigates"
- (ALI) Fp48_51: 'Body
- "Your organs are giving out, but your mind is healthy. Without
urgent intervention you will certainly die. Could the answer be a
head transplant--your head on someone else's body?"
02/Oct/99, Issue 2206:
- (Jeff Hecht and Robert Adler) ?: 'Misguided'
- "TO LOSE ONE MARTIAN orbiter may be regarded as a misfortune. To
lose a second looks like carelessness--especially when the craft was
lost not through some unfortunate malfunction, but because human
error or a software bug caused it to be steered to its destruction."
- (HAD) ?: 'They do it
with mirrors'
- "MIRROR BALLS--think John Travolta--have inspired an idea for
improving the way computers communicate over a wireless office
- (Simon Singh) ?: 'Quantum
- "Want to beat the hackers once and for all? As Simon Singh finds
out, the enigmatic quantum world is about to make your secrets safe
as houses"
25/Sep/99, Issue 2205:
- (DGR) p6: 'Checmical
- "Robots can make do with a head full of goo"
- (DGR) p20: 'Hands
- "Robonaut takes the risks you don't have to"
- (FOX) p21: 'Flipping formats, Batman'
- "Can't choose between CD and DVD video? Now there's a way you can
have both"
- (Catherine Zandonella) Fp32_35: 'Follow my leader'
- "Why build giant space telescopes when a few small spacecraft
flying in formation could do a better job for a fraction of the cost?
Catherine Zandonella reports"
- (GOV) Fp36_39: 'Afterburn'
- "You have to move fast if you want to sift through the wreckage
of one of the most catastrophic satr bursts in the Universe. Govert
Schilling got there just in time"
- (Nick Schoon) Fp40_43: 'Caught on
- "You can run, but you can't hide. Big Brother can recognise your
face even if you're in disguise, says Nick Schoon"
18/Sep/99, Issue 2204:
- (CHS) p6: 'Ultracool
atoms caught acting strangely'
- "It may be degenerate, but scientists are coaxing atoms into
doing things that are most unnatural."
- (CHS) p11: 'Engage dark
- "Interplanetary spacecraft could run on the crew's organic waste"
- (PMK) p13: 'Power
- "Mains electricity lines will not be bringing superfast Internet
connections to British homes, as some had hoped."
- (DGR) Fp18_19: 'FOCUS: To
the virtual barricades'
- "Forget sit-ins and demos. Now political activists have the
cyberpower to bring down governments"
- (Sougato Bose) Fp56_57: 'Swapping
- "In the quantum world, the impossible becomes everyday fact, says
Sougato Bose"
11/Sep/99, Issue 2203:
- (Michael Fitzpatrick) p6: 'Charge of the light
battery brigade'
- "Electric cars could go farther between recharges and mobile
phones will have talk time measured in days if a Japanese
breaktrhough in battery technology becomes a commercial reality."
- (CHS) p7: 'Tiff over
GIFs sparks Net uproar'
- "Do you put graphics up on the Web? If so, you may owe an
American company $5000."
- (Robert Adler) p10: 'Boom and bust'
- "Our Galaxy has had a glittering, turbulent past"
- (Jens) p12: "It's a
small Web"
- "Finding your way through the online jungle need never be so
daunting again"
- (Robert Adler) p22: 'Will robots learn to build
their own future?'
- "An ungainly bridge built out of Lego bricks may be the first
step toward developing robots whose bodies and brains evolve together
like those of a living organism."
- (FOX) p26: 'Left
- "An all-in-one portable digital TV set, cellphone and Web browser
that works even in speeding cars or trains has been developed by
Nokia of Finland. But Americans won't be able to make use of such
- (FOX) p26: 'Gates shut out'
- "Broadcasters in Europe have moved to prevent Microsoft's Windows
CE operating system becoming the standard for interactive services
accessed through the next generation of digital TV sets."
- (FOX) p26: 'Glimmer of hope for CD unity'
- "The first cracks in the entertainment industry's plan to launch
two incompatible CD-like formats appeared last week."
- (JEF) p27: 'Hole
- "The secret of a supereffective optical fibre is quite a surprise"
- (Mark Schrope) Fp42_45: 'The dope on
- "Guessing is no longer good enough. To make better microchips,
designers need to see exactly what goes on in their hearts, says Mark
04/Sep/99, Issue 2202:
- (DGR) p11: 'The bigger
- "Peripheral vision holds the key to safer and better flying"
- (WHO) p15: 'Bugs in
your ear'
- (the world's smallest broadcast-quality microphone)
- (WHO) p25: 'Toy atom'
- "For the first time, physicists have trapped an atom in a way
that allows them not only to observe it, but also to play with
- (BNI) Fp26_29: 'Fantastic
- "Ben Iannotta meets the man who dreams of flying through deep
space on sails built from hot plasma"
28/Aug/99, Issue 2201:
- (DGR) p6: 'Dust
- "Beware swarms of tiny airborne spies"
- (Catherine Zandonella) p13: 'Changing faces'
- "Even the Mona Lisa's mysterious smile can be turned into a frown
thanks to a new way of 'morphing' faces."
- (DGR) p22: 'Cyber-warriors menace Indonesian government'
- "An army of more than one hundred computer hackers is poised to
declare cyberwar on the Indonesian government if it hinders next
week's elections for independence in East Timor."
- (RMT) Fp24_27: 'Black hole
ate my planet'
- "Could physicists accidentally make killer black holes or lethal
strange matter that would swallow the Earth? At least there'd be no
one left to say sorry to, says Robert Matthews."
- (Brandon Brown) Fp39_41: 'Cooking with qubits'
- "Brandon Brown finds the perfect recipe for understanding the
quantum world"
21/Aug/99, Issue 2200:
- (JEF) p9: 'Spies like
- "With a silent cellphone, eavesdropping becomes all too easy"
- (DGR) p13: 'Elvis
- "The droid that won't step on your blue suede shoes"
- (MRC) Fp22_26: 'Fractured
- "A dissident group of astronomers is claiming that the Universe
is not the smooth, homogenous place that Einstein envisaged. If
they're right, says Marcus Chown, the foundations of cosmology could
crumble to dust"
14/Aug/99, Issue 2199:
- (DGR) p11: 'Flying
- "An aerial scanner can spot tiny targets at a thousand metres"
- (PMK) p14: 'Hack it if
you can'
- "An Australian company is so confident that its new SecurePage
software can thwart attempts to change the contents of web sites that
it is set to challenge hackers to crack it."
- (DGR) p15: 'Read my
- "Voice-recognition software that won't be distracted by noise"
07/Aug/99, Issue 2198:
- (Matt Walker) p13: 'Are these your genes, Sir?'
- "Plans to allow the police in Britain to keep DNA samples taken
from innocent people are alarming campaigners for civil
- (WHO) p13: 'Disc wars'
- "Watch out VHS - the recordable video disc is about to arrive."
- (Catherine Zandonella) p21: 'Pump it up'
- "Vanishingly small quantities of liquids can now be mixed using a
plastic disc the size of a CD."
31/Jul/99, Issue 2197:
- (PMK) p7: 'Dependence Day'
- "If your life is in the hands of software, it had better work"
- (DGR) p16: 'The bad
guys are about to get smart'
- "If you're used to deimating massed ranks of bad guys in computer
games, you're in for a shock. The villains could soon be as smart as
you are."
- (DGR) p16: 'A helping
- "It can take months to learn how to use an electronic artificial
limb, but it could soon take just a few minutes, thanks to a new
control device that adapts to suit each individual rather than vice
24/Jul/99, Issue 2196:
- (Jens Thomas) p10: "It's heard but can't be seen"
- "Spies could soon be eavesdropping with a microphone so small it
is almost invisible."
- (M. Abbey) p15: 'Downsizing the future'
- "We're one step closer to making molecular computers, which would
use molecules to representthe 0s and 1s of binary code instead of
today's much larger silicon transistors."
- (John D. Barrow) Fp28_32: 'Is nothing
- "Call it heresy, but all the big cosmological problems will
simply melt away, if you break one rule, says John D. Barrow - the
rule that says the speed of light never varies" (I had this idea
years ago btw; there has never been any evidence that c is
always the same in different parts of the Universe, or has
always been the same in the past; in fact, in areas where there is
nothing whatsoever, eg. in the giant emptyness away from the Great
Wall, I would be very surprised if EMF radiation behaved in the same
way as it does in places where matter is abundant - Ian)
17/Jul/99, Issue 2195:
- (FOX) p6: 'High-speed
- "Competition may result in mangled data on the superhighway"
- (Catherine Zandonella) p7: 'Space
- "It's tiny, it's round, and every astronaut should have one"
- (KRT) Fp18_19: 'Spies are US'
- "FOCUS: Few doubt that a secretive global electronic spying
system exists. But is the clandestine US agency behind it really
being used to promote American commercial interests?"
- (CHS) p20: "It's very strange, but it's not quantum"
- "Quantum computers are having an identity crisis - they may not
be quantum computers after all."
10/Jul/99, Issue 2194:
- (FOX) p11: 'The long goodbye'
- "The age of celluloid may finally be drawing to a close"
- (KRT) p11: "Search
engines can't keep up"
- "The amount of information on the World Wide Web is outstripping
the ability of search engines to index it, according to a new
- (FOX) p20: 'Off
- "Wouldn't you be angry if CDs refused to play on your PC?"
- (DGR) p21: 'Die,
boss man'
- "The ultimate revenge fantasy could soon be coming to your computer"
- (Karl Ziemelis) Fp38_41: 'Don't watch it, wear it'
- "The moving image is about to hit the catwalk. Thanks to a
fantastic plastic that pumps out light, reports Karl Ziemelis,
designers could soon be making clothes from TV screens"
- (Terry Pratchett) Fp46_48: 'The world
of If'
- "A million copies sold is a phrase to warm the heart of any
author. So Terry Pratchett must be basking nicely: he's sold 17
million books based on his fantasy universe, Discworld, where the
rules of magic hold sway over humdrum physics."
03/Jul/99, Issue 2193 (anyone spot my letter
this week?):
- (PMK) p6: "The sky's the limit"
- "No satellite? No problem. Just bounce your digital images round
the world"
- (CHS) p7: 'The
big picture'
- "For super-sharp 3D images throw away your lens"
- (WHO) p13: 'Quantum well'
- "The first simulation using a quantum computer has been carried out."
- (NEL) Fp18_19: 'Rough justice'
- "FOCUS: What is a jury supposed to do when the prosecution's
expert witness flatly contradicts a scientist appearing for the
defence? Are court-appointed neutral experts the answer?"
- (HAD) p20: 'Chain gang'
- "Japan's latest micromachines can hunt in packs"
- (MRC) Fp42_45: 'Gamma force'
- "They're scary, awesome and hard to control. Nuclear lasers a
million times more powerful than their conventional cousins are no
longer a crazy dream, says Marcus Chown"
26/Jun/99, Issue 2192:
- (PHL) p7: 'By thought alone'
- "Brain implants are being taught how to read minds"
- (FOX) p10: 'Without a trace'
- "Freedom of information will be a mockery if officials are
allowed to destroy records"
- (MBR) p11: 'Drawing
a fine line'
- "It's time to rewrite the rules of microchip manufacture"
- (Michelle Knott) p22: 'See-through teeth'
- "Toshiba is developing a safer alternative to X-rays"
- (WHO) p25: "Can't stop the music"
- "In a major blow to the recording industry, a judge in California
has ruled that the Rio player, a portable device for playing MP3
music files downloaded from the Net, is not a digital audio recording
- (Stephanie Pain) Fp34_37: 'Sheer
- "Forgers have reason to fear a butterfly that plays astounding
tricks with light, says Stephanie Pain. Its dazzling iridescent wings
are a counterfeiter's nightmare"
- (MBR) Fp38_41: 'Stripe tease'
- "Microscopic rivers of charge called stripes may underlie the
miraculous properties of superconductors. Or are they teeming with
red herrings? Michael Brooks investigates"
19/Jun/99, Issue 2191:
- (EDT) p3: 'The worms
that turned'
- "Make no mistake - if we don't deal with cybervandals, Big
Brother will"
- (DGR) p5: "Melissa's evil sister"
- "Computer viruses are getting nastier and nastier..."
- (KRT) p14: 'Hands
off our websites!'
- "Outraged webmasters are demanding the withdrawal from the market
of a computer program that lets people add their own comments to
- (WHO) p27: 'Buckybulbs'
- "Molecular light bulbs designed by chemists in California could
be used to produce glowing walls that change colour at the turn of a
- (MBR) Fp 28_31: 'Quantum foam'
- "Is the fabric of the Universe a seething mass of black holes and
wormholes? We may soon be able to venture into this maelstrom in
search of the theory of everything, reports Michael Brooks"
- (GLY) Fp32_36: 'Top of the Pops: MP3'
- "MP3 is a hit with Internet surfers but its soaring popularity is
giving record companies the blues. Now, says Glyn Moody, the industry
is trying to stop the music"
- (JKN) Fp38_41: 'The engine
of creation'
- "It's the smallest train in the world, but it's no toy. The nano
express could take us closer to the dream of incredibly tiny robots
that build themselves. Jonathan Knight leaps aboard"
12/Jun/99, Issue 2190:
- (CHS) p11: 'Cracking
- (using DNA to send encrypted messages)
- (RMT) p16: 'Warp
factor one'
- "Faster-than-light travel has jumped its first hurdle"
- (PHB) Fp36_39: 'Holey Light'
- "What's the best way to build a powerful pocket laser or a
hosepipe for atoms? Simply pepper an optical fibre with tiny holes.
Philip Ball reports"
- (Adam Rogers) Fp41_43: 'Hard wiring'
- "They could hold the key to thoughts and memories or become the
building blocks of living computers. Adam Rogers finds out how to
grow circuits from brain cells"
05/Jun/99, Issue 2189:
- (EDT) p3: 'Control is
- "Who needs crude censorship when corporate bodies call the shots
in research?"
- (RMT) Fp29_32: 'Catch the wave'
- "Store up a beam of light and all sorts of magic becomes possible
- starting with memories for those elusive optical computers. Robert
Matthews reports"
- (Henry Bortman) Fp40_43: 'Whirlybugs'
- "Forget Mars landers and rovers, how about exploring the Red
Planet with swarms of helicopters the size of insects? Henry Bortman
investigates the tiny world of mesicopters"
29/May/99, Issue 2188:
- (FOX) p10: 'Hi-fi anxiety'
- "Some CD players may refuse to play hybrid discs"
- (PMK) p11: 'Pack them in'
- "Get rid of a few million electrons and you can store movies on a
- (MMY) Fp24_27: "I'm just
flying down to the supermarket"
- '"It's 6am and the skies are good and clear..." If one man gets
lucky, this could be the traffic update on a TV near you soon, says
Mike May'
22/May/99, Issue 2187:
- (DGR) p6: 'Soft focusing'
- "A drop of oil and some salty water make a remarkably flexible lens"
- (CHS) p16: 'Will a blast of light speed up your disc?'
- "A laser will speed up your computer's hard disc drive by a
factor of 10, if the latest research from IBM lives up to its
- (BNI) Fp32_36: "Earth,
you've got mail"
- "It had to happen. NASA is about to tame the unruly Solar System
by wiring it up. Ben Iannotta has his Interplanetary Net address all
ready and waiting"
- (DGR) Fp42_46: 'Booting up
- "There's much less going on in Cog's head than meet's the eye -
in fact, this android has a lot in common with a baby. Duncan
Graham-Rowe succumbed to its charms"
- (RMT) Fp48_52: 'Rock solid'
- "For 20 years, physicists have been patiently waiting to witness
the decay of a proton. So far, zilch. Could this spell trouble for
their dreams of a theory of everything, asks Robert Matthews"
15/May/99, Issue 2186:
- (KRT) p10: 'Calling
all geeks'
- "Web gurus claim that patent casts its net too wide"
- (MRC) p16: 'Come together'
- "Nature's forces are getting closer by the day"
- (Rob Edwards) Fp18_19: 'The
chips are down'
- "For years the semiconductor industry has had a clean image. Now
workers claim it causes birth defects and cancer"
- (Robert Coontz) Fp32_35: 'Escape from the nucleon'
- "After the big bang, quarks were locked away in nuclear
dungeons. Or were they? In some corners of the Universe they may
still roam free, says Robert Coontz"
- (DVS) Fp36_39: 'Paper goes
- "The future may be written in electronic ink. Bennett Daviss
heralds the greatest advance since papyrus"
08/May/99, Issue 2185:
- (EDT) p3: 'Cops and
- "On the Net, total privacy is a luxury we simply can't afford"
- (DGR) p7: "Who's
reading your e-mails?"
- "The European Union could force Internet providers and telecoms
companies to build data taps into their Net servers to allow
government security agencies to siphon off e-mails, monitor
individuals' Web activity and check newsgroup memberships."
- (PHL) p21: 'Digging Deeper'
- "Nanotubes reach the parts of the cell other probes can't reach"
- (DGR) p21: 'Hackers
have field day with free Web mail'
- "Free Web-based e-mail services are vulnerable to hackers,
according to an analysis by the Internet Security Advisors Group, a
consultancy in Severna Park, Maryland."
- (DAV) Fp26_31: 'I know how
you feel'
- "What if that beige box on your desk could read your every mood
and tell your friends"
- (Dan Falk) Fp38_41: 'The twilight zone'
- "Are there really planetary systems around other stars, or have
we been completely fooled by tiny, mischievous creatures called brown
dwarfs, asks Dan Falk"
01/May/99, Issue 2184:
- (PMK) p10: 'Down
but not out'
- "Even with the power switched off, the image stays on the screen"
- (DGR) p15: 'I can see you'
- "Hacking into a web cam is child's play"
- (CHS) p16: 'Getting molecules into a spin'
- "Lasers can make molecules spin at such high speeds that the
centrifugal forces snap the molecules in two, physicists in Canada
have found."
- (Fred Pearce) Fp20_21: "Iceland's power game"
- "FOCUS: It's quiet, green and inexhaustible. Has hydrogen's day
finally come?"
- (David Appell) Fp35_37: 'Of dumbbells and doughnuts'
- "Imagine a world where atomic nuclei come in all shapes and
sizes. It might even be our world, says David Appell"
- (RBI) Fp44_48: 'Our tortured star'
- "Spacecraft are beginning to explore the Sun's maelstrom of
incandescent plasma and twisted magnetic fields. Robert Irion
24/Apr/99, Issue 2183 (anyone spot my letter?
- (DGR) p5: 'Crash
- "A software copilot can rapidly learn to fly a damaged plane"
- (JKN) p6: 'On the right track'
- "Following moving objects that are partly obscured takes more
brain power than anyone realised, say NASA researchers."
- (WHO) 13: 'For your eyes only'
- "NEC has developed a projector system that lets people playing
computer games bob and weave in front of a large display - while
still watching the best possible 3D image"
- (DGR) p15: 'Short, sharp shocks build micromachines'
- "Tiny devices could be assembled using a technique originally
developed for positioning samples under an electron microscope, say
Swiss researchers."
- (MRC) p20: 'Paradox
- "Could time warps explain quantum wierdness?"
17/Apr/99, Issue 2182:
- (CHS) p4: 'Dangerous Din'
- "In space, no one can hear you speak - and noise may drown out
alarm signals"
- (FOX) p10: 'Blind
- "NATO AIRCRAFT have been returning from missions in Serbia and
Kosovo without dropping their laser-guided bombs because of low cloud
and poor visibility. But patent records show that the military has
had access to the technology to get around this problem for at least
two years."
- (WHO) p17: "It's a deal"
- "Arch-rivals JVC and Sony have finally struck an agreement that
clears the way for a cheap digital VCR that could record several TV
programmes at once or let you shoot multicamera home movies."
- (Liz Tynan) p21: 'Seeing
the light'
- "An extinct fly's eye may help to boost the efficiency of solar
- (FOX) p23: 'Friend or foe?'
- "A simple bar code could stop Internet pirates in their tracks"
- (GAB) : 'Like
nothing on earth'
- "Why wait for the next interplanetary ship when you can reach the
Red Planet by just heading south?"
10/Apr/99, Issue 2181:
- (Kurt Kleiner and Matt Walker) p4: "Melissa's
- "As virus writers spread chaos by email, the power of the Net
could be turned against them"
- (MRC) p9: 'Megablasts'
- "Astronomers have found bigger bangs than they bargained for"
- (Frank Wilczek) Fp32_37: 'Masses and
- "Is space filled with a cosmic treacle whose stickiness gives
particles their mass? The idea is not as crazy as it sounds, as
leading physicist Frank Wilczek explains"
- (BNI) Fp38_41: 'Pocket rocket'
- "The race is on to create tiny thrusters that could manoeuvre
swarms of satellites with incredible precision - or even power flying
machines almost too small to see. Ben Iannotta reveals all"
03/Apr/99, Issue 2180:
- (EDT) p3: "It's
violent out there"
- "People are fascinated by explosions, especially big ones. And
they don't come much bigger than the one picked up by the
Italian-Dutch satellite BeppoSax on 23 January."
- (JEF) p5: 'Ray
of light'
- "There's a simpler explanation for gamma-ray bursts"
- (WHO) p5: 'Rocket
- "A former North Sea oil rig has become the world's first floating
rocket launch pad."
- (CHS) p6: 'Honey,
I shrank the reactor'
- "Nuclear fusion on a tabletop is now possible. Physicists have
unveiled a reactor that uses a small laser to fuse atoms. While it
won't solve the world's energy problems, it will make it possible to
study fusion for a tiny fraction of the usual cost."
- (CHS) p7: 'Picture
- "A lungful of xenon will improve your body image" [improved MRI
- (CHS) p7: "Diamonds
aren't forever"
- "A laser built for nuclear weapons research has turned diamond
into a metal."
- (DGR) p15: 'Shaky
- "The US military is vulnerable to attack from cyberspace"
- (WHO) p25: 'Not so fast...'
- "The controversy surrounding the MP3 compression system, which
makes it easy to download music from the Internet, has reached new
- (MRC) : 'The fifth
- "What's invisible, packed with energy and is tearing the Universe
apart, asks Marcus Chown"
27/Mar/99, Issue 2179:
- (FOX) p6: 'Jukebox
- "A new digital recorder could break an agreement to protect
- (Rob Edwards) p27: 'The
camera lies'
- "British courts have too much faith in video evidence"
- (WAT) Fp37_40: 'Pump up the volume'
- "What lasers do for lights, sasers promise to do for sound.
Andrew Watson is on the lookout for the best way to build one"
- (MBR) Fp46_48: 'Hole in one'
- "Remember punched cards? They're making a comeback - only this
time they're plastic and much, much smaller, says Michael Brooks"
20/Mar/99, Issue 2178:
- (FOX) p10: 'Confusion
- "Rival standards are blighting music's digital future"
- (KRT) p11: 'Complete control' [A.P.]
- "Bill Gates tightened his grip on the Internet last week with a
$15 million investment in a company that owns a system designed to
prevent illicit copying of downloaded material."
- (KJN) p15: 'Where no chip has gone before' [A.P.]
- "Motorola has become the first major chip maker to commit itself
to making biochips."
- (RMT) p20: 'Reality
- "Time's up for some wierd and wonderful gravity theories"
13/Mar/99, Issue 2177:
- (CHS) p5: 'Looking
- "Novel superceramics are transforming spaceplanes"
- (DGR) p6: 'Are your secrets safe?'
- "The stronger the key used to encode files, the easier it is to
- (WHO) p15: 'Nanotriumph'
- "The world's smallest set of scales could weigh viruses, say
researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology."
- (CHS) p16: 'The
new wave'
- "Magnetic fields are giving us unprecedented power over atoms"
- (Alison Mitchell) Fp26_30: 'Liquid
- "There's more to the mind than neural networks. Messages also
percolate through the soup-like fluid bathing the brain. Alison
Mitchell reports"
- (Michael Riordan) Fp32_35: 'Massive attack'
- "Last year's discovery that neutrinos have mass was a mortal blow
to the most cherished theory of particle physics. Michael Riordan
looks at the bizarre theories that could replace it"
- (Mike Cross) p59: 'FORUM: Not so
- "Too much plastic can seriously samage your health, says Mike Cross"
06/Mar/99, Issue 2176:
- (DGR) p11: 'Sensor
- "Control that computer with a wave of your hand"
- (FOX) p20: 'Climb every mountain'
- "Now digital TV can penetrate the most rugged terrain"
- (Lila Guterman) p21: 'Falling
into place'
- "Choose the right pieces and they'll assemble themselves"
- (BCH) Fp25_28: 'An end to
- "Wave goodbye to the uncertainty principle - you don't need them
any more. Say hello to quantum entaglement, says Mark Buchanan"
- (Lia Hattersley) Fp30_33: 'Electric dreams'
- "A hundred years of clean power from a greenhouse and a giant
chimney in the desert... is it the perfect power station or a
mirage? Lia Hattersley investigates"
- (DGR) p48: 'FORUM: Under
lock and key'
- "Your secrets are safe for now, says Duncan Graham-Rowe"
27/Feb/99, Issue 2175:
- (WHO) p13: 'Quantum
- "Electronics giant Fujitsu says it has succeeded in making an
experimental quantum dot memory device that can store data on an
atomic scale."
- (WHO) p13: 'Never say dye'
- "While digital copyright on the Net is exercising the minds of
music industry lawyers, a new extended-play blank CD from Memorex
could spell even more trouble."
- (PMK) p20: 'Saved
by the light'
- "Doctors don't need expensive lasers if they've got sunshine"
- (JEF) p21: 'Virtual reality leaves you virtually
- "Jannick Rolland knew there was something wrong when she took off
a virtual reality helmet and tried to drink a soda."
- (CHS) p23: 'Supercold helium picks a fight with Newton'
- "In the topsy-turvy world of superfluid helium, you can't trust
your intuition."
- (WHO) p27: 'All
together now'
- "Protons and neutrons can form tiny 'molecules' within an atom
rather than uniform clumps, say physicists in Europe."
- (David Appell) Fp29_32: 'Fire in the
- "If the Sun spits, the Earth fries. Humankind is ill-prepared for
the furious climax of the next solar cycle. David Appell reports"
- (Michelle Knott) p51: 'FORUM: Virtual
- "State-sponsored hackers will be the stormtroopers of the 21st
century, warns Michelle Knott"
- (Arlene Judith Klotzko) p52: 'We can rebuild'
- "Cloning is back on the agenda, says Arlene Judith Klotzko, but
the focus is now on spare parts"
20/Feb/99, Issue 2174:
- (Stephen Battersby) p10: 'Slow
- "Light pulse sets a low-speed record"
- (KRT) p20: "Your
secret's safe
- "A new computer program promises to cover your tracks"
- (FOX) p21: 'In the dark'
- "Why some digital TVs don't get the message"
- (DGR) p23: 'Final curtain for pirated songs'
- "Proposed changes to Europe's copyright laws threaten to push up
the cost of Internet access and raise the price of blank audio and
video tapes and recordable CDs."
- (MRC) Fp36_39: 'Galactic visionaries'
- "Europe's astronomers reckon they can build a telescope bigger
than all its predecessors put together, and thousands of times more
powerful than the best we have today, says Marcus Chown"
13/Feb/99, Issue 2173:
- (HZL) p5:
- "There could be whole worlds of invisible matter out there"
- (DGR) p10: 'A deadly flight'
- "After a shaky start, powerful laser weapons are taking to the
- (MRC) Fp42_44: 'Cosmic Crystal'
- "Is the Universe a giant crystal growing in a five-dimensional
liquid? Marcus Chown explores one man's extraordinary vision of the
big bang"
06/Feb/99, Issue 2172:
- (CHS) p6: 'Escape
from Earth'
- "NASA is spending over half a million dollars on bizarre
antigravity research"
- (Paul Marks) p6: 'Pretty
poor privacy may lurk inside processors'
- "Civil liberties campaigners in the US want microchip maker Intel
to abandon its plan to incorporate an electronic serial number in all
its new processors."
- (DGR) p7: 'The
one to watch'
- "It looks like a regular LCD until the image jumps out at you"
- (FOX) p7: 'Violence blackout'
- "New TV sets in the US include a V-chip which makes the screen go
blank if a violence rating is exceeded."
- (WHO) p25: 'Stars
- "For the first time, astronomers have seen the flash of light
from a gammaray burst, an event thought to be triggered by the
collision of two neutron stars or the collapse of a massive star into
a black hole."
- (Robert Irion) Fp26_30: 'the
lopsided Universe'
- "After the big bang, all matter should have been annihilated by
antimatter. Luckily for us, a smidgen was left over. Robert Irion
reports on the race to find out why"
- (MRG) Fp38_41: 'Out of this world'
- "Two dimensions weren't for artist Char Davies, so she swapped
her paintbrush for a supercomputer. Margaret Wertheim explores her
virtual masterpiece."
30/Jan/99, Issue 2171:
- (PDV) p3: 'Bit before
- "In a guest editorial, physicist Paul Davies comments on our
cover feature"
- (WHO) p17: 'Privacy
on parade'
- "The Internet is becoming a political issue once again."
- (RMT) Fp24_28: 'I is the
- "It's the ultimate big idea, the source of everything we know
about the physical world. And it all comes from one simple question,
says Robert Matthews"
- (MMY) Fp34_37: 'Quantum melting pots'
- "Supercomputers are fast becoming the crucibles of the future,
forging a new generation of designer materials. Mike May reports"
23/Jan/99, Issue 2170:
- (DGR) p6: 'Total
- "When it comes to storing data, holograms are streets ahead"
- (FOX) p7: 'Disaster
- "You're in for a shock if you record a digital pay-per-view film"
- (WHO) p13: 'Brassed off'
- "Movies on DVD discs will be labelled with the computer requirements
needed to play them."
- (RMT) p16: "Sorry,
we'll be late"
- "Cataclysmic explosions may have held up alien visitors"
- (WHO) p19: 'Netropolitan'
- "Infection and reflection" (Netropolitan deals with computer
viruses this week)
- (CHS) p20: 'Will it crack?'
- "A schoolgirl's secret code has yet to pass its sternest tests"
- (DGR) p21: 'Silicon
Valley turns to levitation'
- "First it was trains, then futuristic spacecraft - and now
microchips may be levitated by magnets."
- (Nat Tunbridge) Fp34_37: 'The human touch'
- "It's no fuss. Just reach into your computer screen and pull out
what you want. Nat Tumbridge tracks down a group of people who are
revolutionising the way we treat information"
- (MRC) p46: 'FORUM: The next
big thing'
- "Marcus Chown wonders how secure the edifice of physics is as we
approach the start of a new century"
16/Jan/99, Issue 2169:
- (FOX) p8: 'Mark
of a princess'
- "Heirs face a long battle for control over digital pictures of Diana"
- (KRT) p17: 'Game
- "The copyright clampdown that's got gamers in a frenzy"
- (Stephen Battersby) Fp24_28: 'space
- "It makes up most of the Galaxy but no one has ever seen it. And,
says Stephen Battersby, it's wierder than you ever imagined"
09/Jan/99, Issue 2168:
- (EDT) p3: 'Life as we
know it'
- "For good or evil, the world's most powerful artificial brain is
taking shape"
- (DGR) p4: 'Clever
- "What has four paws and a dazzling silicon mind? Artificial
life's next big thing"
- (WHO) p5: 'Hacked to death'
- "NEWSWIRE: Two Chinese computer hackers have been sentenced to
death for defrauding a state-owned bank. The sentence was passed last
week by a court in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province. Twin brothers Hao
Jinlong and Hao Jingwen transferred 60000 UKP of nonexistent deposits
into 16 different accounts they had opened under false names. They
had withdrawn a third of the money before they were caught."
- (CHS) p11: 'Into
the void'
- "Add a few time-travelling tachyons and black holes make sense"
- (CHS) p15: 'Thank
our lucky star'
- "Could the Sun send out a monstrous flare powerful enough to melt
the ice on Jupiter's moons, destroy much of the Earth's ozone layer
and obliterate all our satllites?"
- (FOX) p18: 'Hello,
- "Just how personal can your personal computer get?"
- (WHO) p21: 'Victorious dwarfs'
- "A galaxy in which stellar dwarfs seem to have conquered the
giants has left astronomers puzzled about how large stars form."
- (MBR) Fp28_31: 'Heart of chaos'
- "Anarchy on a quantum scale has spawned powerful lasers as small
as a human hair, says Michael Brooks"
- (LND) Fp33_35: 'Beastly explorers'
- "Inspired by a menagerie of terrestrial animals, NASA is breeding
robots that will be tough and wily enough to conquer the Solar
System. Leonard David reports."
- (Peter McClintock and Dmitri Luchinsky) Fp36_39:
'Glorious noise'
- "Random noise can be used to drive chemical reactions or stop a
spacecraft spinning out of control - you just have to know how to
tweak it. Peter McClintock and Dmitri Luchinsky tune in"
19/12/98, Issue 2165:
- (Matt Walker) p7: "It's a wrap for the small screen"
- "There will soon be no escaping from television, even in the high
- (FOX) p16: "Pirate's
- "Is the cost of computer games fuelling a criminal counterculture?"
- (MRC) p31: 'Mining for mass'
- "The most elusive particles in nature gave away one of their
long-kept secrets in June."
- (BCH) p35: 'Qubits go out for a spin'
- "Physicists turned to drugs this year to build the first quantum
- (Paul Murdin) p99: 'Lost in space'
- "FORUM: Only wise investment will help Europe to reach the stars,
says Paul Murdin"
12/Dec/98, Issue 2164:
- (KRT) p12: 'Privacy clash'
- "A trade war is looming between the US and the European Union
over privacy on the Internet."
- (MRC) p17: 'Curious correlation'
- "Dirac thought it was chance but the implications are truly cosmic"
- (FOX) p23: 'Dodging the detectors'
- "High-tech TV sets will defeat the best effort to make Britons
pay their TV licenses"
- (GLY) Fp42_46: 'The wild bunch'
- "How has a ragtag bunch of idealistic hackers managed to
completely wrong foot the world's biggest software company? Glyn
Moody investigates"
05/Dec/98, Issue 2163:
- (FOX) p10: 'Rivals go their own way on mini videos'
- "Pocket video recorders that can store several hours of
high-quality pictures and sound will soon hit the market."
- (DGR) p11: 'Palmtop
- "A computer helps thieves to commit the perfect crime"
- (BCH) p14: 'Spooky trio to explore the quantum Universe'
- "The lives of three particles can become strangely linked or
'entangled', say physicists who have pulled off the trick with a trio
of photons."
- (WHO) p15: 'Videos go hyper'
- "Interactive videos are just around the corner."
- (FOX) p16: 'Your eyes only'
- "An online magazine has been launched on the Internet with
security software that prevents subscribers from passing electronic
copies on to friends."
- (DGR) Fp26_30: 'March of the
- "If just a handful of neurons is all it takes to make a robot act
like an insect, is there less to animal "
- (JTM) Fp36_39: 'Gripping Chemistry'
- "Begin with the right molecular building blocks, and an
astonishing array of structures will simply fall into place, says Jim
28/Nov/98, Issue 2162:
- (FOX) p7: 'Turing in the genes'
- "Nippon Electric Corporation researchers in Princeton, New Jersey
have patented (US5804373) a universal computer, originally proposed
by British code-breaker Alan Turing. This one stores programs on DNA
instead of an infinite tape."
- (Stephen Battersby) p11: 'Full blast'
- "Random noise can exert a push, say researchers who have seen an
acoustic version of the 'Casimir effect' at work"
- (FOX) p16: "The director's cut"
- "Computer users risk buying drives for playing digital video
discs which don't work with their decoders."
- (IAN) Fp38_41: 'Pulling Power'
- "It's hard work propelling satellites through space. But exploit
chaos and the multidimensional landscape of gravity and you can sling
them effortlessly around the Solar System, says Ian Stewart"
- (Michael Cross) p52: 'I sense therefore
I am'
- "FORUM: Michael Cross thinks a concious computer may be some way
21/Nov/98, Issue 2161:
- (NEL) p7: 'Spinal
repairs' [A.P.]
- "For the first time, scientists have managed to repair an
animal's spinal cord after it has been severed, allowing it to
transmit nerve impulses again"
- (HAD) p11: 'Easy
- "Want a computer file? Just pick it up with your pen..."
- (Lila Guterman) p22: 'Tie
a knot in a nanotube'
- "Microchips can incorporate capacitors and resistors, but not
inductors, the third type of passive component needed to build an
electronic circuit. Now this might be about to change, ..."
- (Matt Walker) p23: 'Have
they got a nerve?'
- "Solid-state switch could open the way to robot brains"
- (HZL) Fp38_41: 'Written
in the clouds'
- "When will the lights of our Galaxy finally be snuffed out? The
answer may be blowing in giant clouds of gas, says Hazel Muir"
14/Nov/98, Issue 2160:
- (Lila Guterman) p4: 'Stirred
and shaken'
- "Japanese chemists commit the heresy of saying mechanical energy
drives a chemical reaction"
- (DGR) p7: 'Stereo
- "Two brain images are better than one"
- (WHO) p7: 'DNA
circuits' [A.P.]
- "DNA could soon be used to link components in tiny circuits if
Nanotronics of San Diego and the University of California are
successful with their joint patent application."
- (CRY) p12: 'Crystal surfboard'
- "Minute vibrations are sweeping micromachines into the future"
- (KRT) p17: 'United in dissent'
- "Don't hold your breath waiting for a universal computer language"
- (Sharon Ann Holgate) p17: 'Buckytube crewcut fuels
flat TV displays'
- "Hairy glass could pave the way for a new kind of flat-panel
display for TVs and computer monitors."
- (CHS) Fp38_41: 'ISS Titanic'
- "The future of space exploration depends on the success of the
International Space Station. But the chances are that something will
go horribly wrong, says Charles Seife"
- (DVS) Fp47_50: 'Speed freaks'
- "Once the human genome project is finished, we'll have the big
picture. Then, says Bennett Daviss, we'll need a quick way to look at
the genes of individuals."
- (FOX) p56: 'FORUM: Running on empty'
- "Russia's dollar-earning rocket business is being squeezed to
death, says Barry Fox"
07/Nov/98, Issue 2159:
- (Matt Walker) p4: 'Flirting
with disaster'
- "The ever-shrinking microchip is increasingly vulnerable to an
invisible enemy"
- (Jon Copley) p10: 'Enter
a new dimension...'
- "Movie magic is bringing holographic advertisements to life"
- (WHO) p15: 'Bright hope'
- "A carbon crystal that might eventually be used to make circuits
which use light beams instead of electric currents has been developed
by electronics company AlliedSignal."
- (WHO) p15: 'Copy cats'
- "Dutch consumer electronics firm Philips is about to upset record
companies by launching the first consumer CD player with a built-in
CD recorder."
- (DGR) p23: 'Now
you see it'
- "Retinal implants could soon partially restore sight"
- (FOX) p23: "Record
firms can't stop the music"
- "A landmark legal decision last week means that music could soon
be downloaded from the Internet into personal stereos equipped with
lightweight microchip memories instead of tapes or CDs."
- (WEB) Fp36_38: 'hear
me, see me, touch me'
- "Watch out! Information is about to become an experience. At work
you'll be able to sit in the airflow of a jet fighter to figure out
the best design. At home, your Walkman will make you think you're in
Carnegie Hall"
- (JUS) p39: 'Touchy feely'
- "When the boss's door handle goes cold, start worrying"
- (PESC) p40: 'Spectacle for the eyes'
- "You'll be amaxed how easy it is to see in 3D"
- (PMK) Fp42_44: 'Crashing
the barriers'
- "This is a crucial time for chip makers. Real physical limits
threaten to halt the digital revolution in its tracks. One challenge
is to carve ever smaller transistors out of silicon..."
- (JUS) Fp44_45: 'Looking for Leonardo'
- "They said he knew the secret of creativity, but how to find him..."
- (WEB) Fp46_47: 'Copper in the valley'
- "For really high speeds, we need to rethink what chips are made of"
- (WHO) Fp50_52: 'The
future starts here'
- "From San Fransisco to San Jose, people in labs are eagerly
trying to design the 21st century. New Scientist went in search of
the most outlandish ideas. First stop a cocktail party"
- (WHO) Fp52_54: 'Warts and all'
- "Badly flawed they may be, but molecular computers will still
- (WHO) Fp54_55: 'Flash of brilliance'
- "Who needs a hard disc when you've got a transparent sugar cube?"
- (WHO) Fp55_56: 'The right connections'
- "Treat the Web mathematically and a fantastic order emerges"
- (WHO) Fp56_57: 'Protein paparazzi'
- "For perfect pictures of giant molecules, just tickle those atoms"
- (MRC) p62: 'The cosmic
- "Marcus Chown muses on the significance of a recent cosmic event"
- (JEF) p63: 'Holes in the net'
- "An ageing telephone network may scupper our digital dreams, says
Jeff Hecht"
31/Oct/98, Issue 2158:
- (MRC) p5: 'Deflating
- "The big bang's embers could kill cosmology's pet theory"
- (Sharon Ann Holgate) p6: 'Great vibes from big surf'
- "A system designed to detect gravitational waves from black holes
could soon be a surfer's best friend."
- (FOX) p7: 'Spam
scam nets newbies'
- "Numbered e-mail identities could open the doors to fraud"
- (JEF) p10: 'Faster than a speeding light beam'
- "Einstein's cosmic speed limit may not be absolute after all."
[this is an odd comment to make since NS has had past articles about
FTL communication research at NEC and IBM - Ian]
- (Lila Guterman) p16: 'Inside
- "Weapons can now be scanned to see what horrors they conceal"
- (Andy York) p16: "It's what the best movie stars
will be wearing"
- "Animated movies are about to become more lifelike thanks to new
software that models the physics of fabrics."
- (FOX) p17: 'Aerial nightmare'
- "Digital TV could have US viewers climbing the walls"
- (WHO) p17: 'Ready to
- "If you thought mobile phone users were annoying, just wait until
folks on the train start talking to their computers."
- (CHS) p21: 'No turning back'
- "It's official - time is not symmetrical"
24/Oct/98, Issue 2157:
- (WHO) p5: "Rogues'
- "The FBI has set up a national electronic database of DNA samples
taken from American criminals, ..."
- (WHO) p5: 'Rights and wrongs'
- "The US Congress has passed a law extending copyright to
electronically stored information."
- (MRC) p6: 'Out of this world'
- "Have physicists caught a fleeting glimpse of a bizarre kind of
- (FOX) p10: 'All in
- "Merging displays with chips could lead to ultralight laptops"
- (CRY) p11: 'Radar
- "How to find landmines without setting foot on the ground"
- (DGR) p17: 'Revolutionary
- "A tiny gear wheel could be the world's fastest machine tool"
- (Lila Guterman and Andy York) p24: 'Winning numbers'
- "Nobel goes to duo who brought quantum tools to messy chemistry"
- (MRC) Fp29_32: 'Five and
- "Against all the odds, we may soon catch a glimpse of the fifth
dimension. If it appears, it will transform our view of how forces in
the early Universe were fashioned, says Marcus Chown"
- (BNI) Fp38_41: "You're on your own"
- "The farther you get from Earth, the harder and more expensive it
is to run a space mission - which is why NASA is working on probes
that can think for themselves. Ben Iannotta investigates"
17/Oct/98, Issue 2156:
- (CHS) p4: 'Fusion
catches a cold'
- "Attempts to tap into the Sun's power source will flounder
without big bucks"
- (DGR) p5: "Think
and it's done"
- "A radical new way of interacting with the world is born"
- (DGR) p6: 'Follow
that human'
- "Robots may soon be harder to shake off than a bloodhound"
- (WHO) p6: 'Making complex magnets the easy way'
- "Complex magnets similar to those used to build computer dics
drives can be made in a flash and at a fraction of the normal cost
simply by setting light to a mixture of powders."
- (WAT) 7: 'Back from the dead'
- "Chilling out works miracles for an atom smasher"
- (CHS) p14: "Let's
cool it"
- "Mystery force is traced to satellites' waste heat"
- (Oliver Graydon) p20: 'Brush
with disaster'
- "Smart paint warns of impending doom"
- (CHS) p21: 'Light angles'
- "Bending light brings optical switches a step closer"
- (CHS/CRY) Fp30_33: "There's the rub"
- "Friction is everywhere - sometimes welcome but often not. So
isn't it time we got to grips with it? Charles Seife and Ben Crystall
- (Oliver Morton) Fp34_37: 'Afloat in the sky'
- "Heavy retrorockets could become a thing of the past if tests on
lighter-than-air 'aerobots' are successful. Oliver Morton goes space
- (WHO) Net: 'Splitting
the electron'
- "Particles that shouldn't exist have won three scientists in the
US the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics."
10/Oct/98, Issue 2155:
- (CHS) p6: 'Heart
of darkness'
- "We could be getting closer to the truth about black holes"
- (DGR) p11: 'Hello, sunshine'
- "Highly efficient solar cells could go on sale at a fraction of
the cost of today's devices, thanks to a technological
- (WHO) p15: 'Watch the wall'
- "The day of ultrathin televisions you can hang on your wall is
getting closer."
- (FOX) p22: 'Longer player'
- "A standard for squeezing more music onto CDs and DVDs is under
threat of legal action from a company backed by Steven Speilberg."
- (MRC) p22: 'Stars put in the shade'
- "Nowadays planet spotting is all done with mirrors"
- (RMT) Fp26_31: "Don't get even,
get mad"
- "When it looks like you just can't win, what's the most rational
thing to do? Try going completely crazy, suggests Robert Matthews"
- (Amy Adams) Fp32_35: 'Wiggling through the waves'
- "What's got metal muscles, wears a Lycra swimsuit, and is
designed to hunt down mines for the US Navy? Amy Adams meets the man
who knows"
03/Oct/98, Issue 2154:
- (EDT) p3: 'In your
- "If the idea of a hand transplant seems hard to take, just wait..."
- (FOX) p7: 'Old
before their time'
- "Digital TV receivers will be outdated almost instantly"
- (DCN) p13: 'Hands
today, faces tomorrow'
- "The controversial hand transplant operation that took place in a
French hospital last week raises the prospect of something even more
macabre - a human face transplant."
- (CHS) p15: 'Delicate
- "Astronauts and surgeons could use a helping hand"
- (WHO) p15: 'Timely tasks'
- "A Japanese team has increased the speed of parallel computing by
using a genetic algorithm to schedule processing tasks."
- (MRC) p17: 'X-ray
- "We may have got it all wrong about neutron stars"
- (RMT) p21: 'Space
- "Satellites may be shattered by invisible meteors"
- (Robert Taylor) Fp24_29: 'Superhumans'
- "Like it or not, in a few short years we'll have the power to
control our own evolution. Robert Taylor finds out how"
- (DAV) Fp36_39: 'Gas on the brain'
- "How do you make a powerful computer with few components and no
internal wiring? Add a whiff of nitric oxide, of course. Clive
Davidson reports"
- (Ralph Estling) p53: 'Empty talk'
- "Ralph Estling reflects on the triumph of words over meaning"
26/Sep/98, Issue 2153:
- (CHS) p14: 'Messy eaters'
- "Some black holes may push away more matter than they devour"
- (FOX) p16: 'A fast clip'
- "Broadcasters should soon be able to spend less time searching
for the footage they need"
- (FOX) p16: "TV's
easy rider"
- "It could soon be possible to watch television in a moving car or
on a bus or train, thanks to a new European system that modifies
terrestrial digital TV signals to eliminate the interference that
normally makes TV unwatchable in moving vehicles"
- (FOX) p16: "Look, we're on the box"
- "A new microchip will make it easy for television stations to
show home video footage."
- (Lila Guterman) p17: 'Odds are good for bucky magnets'
- "Six years after they created the first inorganic fullerenes,
Israeli chemists have miniscule magnets structured like buckyballs
and nanotubes."
- (Brandon Brown) Fp30_31: "That's me in the middle"
- "How would you like to be embodied as a roving robot, speaking
with its voice, listening with its ears and seeing through its eye?
Brandon Brown reports"
- (Roger Lewin/Birute Regine) Fp39_42: 'Mastering the
- "We may never understand life and living organisms until we
understand emergence. But does anyone know what emergence is? Roger
Lewin and Birute Regine talk to a man on a quest"
- (FOX) p48: 'Missing
- "Barry Fox discovers the harsh real meaning of the initials
19/Sep/98, Issue 2152:
- (BRD) p7: 'Coded heat thwarts friendly fire'
- "Aircraft, tanks and soldiers may soon carry small infrared
transmitters that will protect them from 'friendly fire' without
giving away their presence to the enemy."
- (Bruce Foster/Tony Stone) p13: 'On the right track'
- "A reliable method for detecting soldering errors on circuit
boards has been developed by the heavy industries division of
Mitsubishi in Japan."
- (KRT) p22: 'I spy with my flying eye'
- "A little lateral thinking has transformed the prospects for tiny
robot planes"
- (FOX) p22: 'Rare-earth
sandwiches offer nonstop digital movies'
- (Barry Fox reports on a new DVD technology from Matsushita that
offers 6 hours of continuous recording on one side of a disc)
- (CHS) p23: 'Quantum Leap'
- "Computers that do the impossible look increasingly possible"
- (HZL) Fp29_32: 'Ghosts
in the sky'
- "Is the Universe really a giant hall of mirrors where you can't
believe your eyes? Watch this space, says Hazel Muir"
12/Sep/98, Issue 2151:
- (CHS) p4: 'If
the force is with them'
- "Distant spacecraft are showing no respect for the laws of physics"
- (Lila Guterman) p7: 'Liquid
- "Chemicals that function like electronic circuits on a silicon
chip can now compute responses to up to three separate inputs. These
molecular logic gates respond to the presence or absence of the
inputs by emitting coloured light."
- (CHS) p10: 'Toughing it out'
- "Tubes of pure carbon could be the key to super-strong
- (FOX) p11: 'Sick of simulation'
- "(PATENTS) Flight simulators cause a form of motion sickness,
admits Hughes Electronics of Los Angeles in EP847027."
- (WHO) p15: 'Shrinking discs'
- "In 1999 IBM will launch a miniature hard disc drive with a
platter the size of a thumbnail."
- (DGR) p16: 'Space sandwich'
- "Optical fibres sandwiched between sheets of heavy metals could
soon be helping to reveal the secrets of blazars, the active galaxies
around black holes."
- (FOX) p17: 'Long-life
- "An inert gas will keep a spacecraft in orbit for 25 years"
- (Jon Copley) p22: 'Pinpoint precision'
- "Satellite navigation is about to become breathtakingly
05/Sep/98, Issue 2150:
- (MRK) p16: 'Secret
- "Randomly swapping addresses obscures your track on the Net"
- (DGR) p17: 'Eureka / Going
Places / Maniacs get behind the wheel'
- "Ultra-smart software is outdoing scientists, coping with road
rage and booking holidays. Duncan Graham-Rowe was at the European
Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Brighton"
- (MBR) Fp24_28: 'Liquid
- "After years working with the world's wierdest fluid, Richard
Packard and Seamus Davis thought they'd seen it all - until the fluid
in their lab started whistling. Michael Brooks reports"
29/Aug/98, Issue 2149:
- (MRC) p7: 'Quasars pack a
- "We are being zapped by particles from the edge of the Universe"
- (MRK) p9: 'Saving face'
- "Clever image processing is putting pictures on cash cards"
- (WHO) p13: 'Nano detector'
- "Particles just a nanometre across can now be detected and
analysed, thanks to a device developed by Bell Labs in New Jersey"
- (JEF) p14: 'Fantastic
- "The 21st-century will be blasting into your home via a
surprising kind of optical fibre"
- (FOX) p14: "Never mind the sound, the picture's
- (Sony improves on analogue picture quality)
- (MBR) Fp22_25: 'Take one quantum dot...'
- "Add a soupcon of voltage and season with a pinch of electrons.
Et voila, Michael Brooks unveils how to make an atom with a flavour
all of its own"
- (LES) Fp32_35: 'Superlasers for baby bombs'
- "What can you do with a thousand trillion electrons? How about
thermonuclear reactions on a tiny scale, asks Lesley Welbourne"
22/Aug/98, Issue 2148:
- (DGR) p6: 'Meet
- "...the robot baby that gets sad and lonely if you don't play
with it"
- (BCH) Fp27_30: 'Why God plays
- "At first glance, it makes little sense that quantum randomness
pervades our Universe. But as Mark Buchanan finds out, there may be a
plan behind it"
15/Aug/98, Issue 2147:
- (Sharon Ann Holgate) p20: 'Sensing is believing' [A.P.]
- "At last we have a noninvasive method of diagnosing sick chips"
- (Jonathan Hartley) p20: 'Small is beautiful when it comes to the
Universe' [A.P.]
- "Tiny lenses are helping astronomers produce better pictures of
distant stars and galaxies"
- (FOX) p24: 'China blazes
the trail for video CDs' [A.P.]
- "For the first time, China is shaping the future of electronics
by creating a new world standard."
- (WHO) p25: 'Chaos
at the polls'
- "Election outcomes are chaotic, say mathematicians who study
group decision-making."
- (Karen Southwell) Fp26_29: 'Starquake'
- "Imagine an ironclad star, its surface shattered by an immense
magnetic field. Sounds incredible, says Karen Southwell, but it
solves a long-standing mystery"
- (Sunny Bains/Justin Mullins) Fp37_39: 'A face in the crowd' [A.P.]
- "Forget powerful digital processors. To match one image with
another you need a machine that works with pure light, report Sunny
Bains and Justin Mullins"
(all older references have been moved to the main FutureTech Reference List)
(check my current auctions!)
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